
The Innocent Quotes

The Innocent by David Baldacci

The Innocent Quotes
"You’re safe, baby, just a nightmare. You’re safe with Mommy. Nothing to be scared of."
"It was a strange way to spend one’s life, he knew. But it was his way."
"The world moved around at speed, and men from a desert country where few things would grow could afford aircraft costing nine figures."
"The strongest chain is defeated by its weakest link."
"Life sometimes was not just unfair, it was beyond tragic."
"I live in a world that isn’t remotely normal anymore. If it ever was."
"But in the close confines of the bus there was no such thing as a silenced gun."
"I don't believe in coincidences. At least not ones like that."
"You don’t look like you have to ride in a crappy bus in the middle of the night to get to New York."
"Someone who stumbled onto something and doesn’t want to leave it."
"I’m here to confirm the information we already have."
"They, in turn, were surrounded by an army of lobbyists flush with cash who worked relentlessly to convince the elected officials of the unassailable righteousness of their causes. Such was democracy."
"This might truly be enlightening for everybody, he thought."
"Yes, ma’am," said the other agent respectfully.
"Blast must’ve knocked out the camera. That can happen. It’s not like bank cameras are built for that stuff."
"Which means I have to find it first," Robie thought.
"Like football, a game of inches. Some things were just beyond your control. Then you counted on luck."
"I’m going to have to confiscate the film or DVD or whatever you use to house the images captured by the camera."
"And her?" Robie said, pointing to the other woman.
"No, not at all. Were you here the night that bus blew up?"
"I’ve been sleeping behind a Dumpster the last couple of weeks."
"I don’t sleep well on the street. Concrete isn’t too comfortable. And it’s just not… well, safe. I get scared."
"Thanks for a really nice time, Will. And let’s work on that ‘date’ thing together."
"We have a maintenance and prep center two blocks from here."
"They’re parked right there until the driver shows up."
"He almost said, "I know," but caught himself. S’mores was actually starting to concern him."
"I want to check something I should have already checked."
"He looked out again, toward Arlington Cemetery on the Virginia side, up a hill."
"Just about everybody there has his life planned out forty years."
"I’m just going to grab a few hours’ sleep. Anything shakes loose you can wake me up."
"Her voice shook as she looked down at the card."
"It’s a simple question, Julie. Why did you choose that way?"
"You’re not a prisoner. But we do need to keep you safe."
"I’m telling you the truth, Julie, nothing more and nothing less."
"Yes, but just don’t expect any help from me. I topped out at pre-cal."
"I hope to accomplish keeping her safe. I hope to accomplish getting to the truth. I hope to accomplish getting to them before they get to me."
"You’re late by about ten years on that," replied Robie.
"They can’t just keep speaking this code crap and expect me to just sit here and take it."
"DU stands for depleted uranium. It’s used in artillery shells and also on tank armor."
"You didn’t know my dad, so you have no right to judge him."
"Hope for the best and prepare for something a lot less than that."
"Because it was the only way we got out of the house alive."
"I think there was no more than a twenty-four-hour window when whatever got your parents killed was communicated among that group."
"We need to figure out the endgame," said Vance.
"Dammit! Get the little shit right and the big shit doesn’t happen."
"It was a timing issue, really. As soon as you said it the red dot appeared on your chest."
"Might have been!" exclaimed Julie. "What part of tonight did you miss super agent Vance?"
"Lung cancer slow or bullet fast. What’s the real difference? Time? Who gives a shit?"
"I am a killer. I pull triggers. I end lives. I do no more than that."
"The FBI sure as hell has enough of them. But it does get old after a while."
"But feeling dead and actually being dead are two totally different things."
"She’s just a kid, Robie. She’s lost her parents and she’s scared."
"She’s only a kid. She’s in way over her head. She shouldn’t be involved in this at all."
"But you’re just a killer, Robie. You said that’s all you are. So why do you care what happens to me or her? It’s just another job. If we die, we die."
"So why didn’t you kill Jane Wind and her son? Why did you take the time to get her other child to safety?"
"She fought with him. Maybe she knew something about my dad."
"I’ve been looking down the road since the first day."
"The only people she could trust were those who wanted her dead."
"Life went on, as screwed up as ever, and another monster—maybe even worse—would replace the fallen one."
"If people with some courage in their hearts stood by and did nothing, the monsters won every time."
"One death meant little. The world was too big. And too many people were dying violent deaths to focus for long on any one of them."
"It sounded like the fight of the century. And she was certain it would be."