
The Project Quotes

The Project by Courtney Summers

The Project Quotes
"Sunlight edged the corners of my covered window and if I’d told anyone to pack an umbrella, they would have told me I was crazy."
"My body never lies and by the time I get to the train station, it’s raining."
"The first few drops of rain land cold against my skin and the downpour starts in earnest the moment I’m safely through the automatic doors."
"I love wasting a day off at the doctor’s office for my annual diagnosis of still kicking, whatever that means."
"Whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it."
"You lie down on the tracks and the train is coming."
"To live boldly in faith, our work would have to be our first line of defense and it would have to speak for itself."
"No one who comes to us is forced to leave anything behind they’re not willing to part with."
"How would you feel if you made a commitment to something you believed in, only to have it perverted by someone else’s refusal to accept or understand it?"
"To give the gift of atonement, Bea must first be redeemed."
"The world is being shaken, and what is not shaken will remain. Where. Is. Your. Faith?"
"I know what you could inspire in others, if given the chance."
"I am allowing Lo Denham to interview me as part of SVO’s profile on The Unity Project."
"Because I’ve never held anyone here who didn’t want to be."
"She was terrified of the possibility of losing you."
"You’re a miracle, Lo. It’s sad you don’t see it."
"I give thanks to you, God. You are good. Your loving kindness is forever."
"You’re approaching this from a place of finishing something."
"It’s just strange how you wanted nothing to do with me when I was too young and too powerless to fight back."
"I’m paying you to work, not to waste my time. Hustle harder!"
"The world is falling around them—and they will fall with it."
"We pride ourselves on our transparency as an organization, but our members are entitled to privacy."
"I believe everything—but I’d like to hear you say it."
"Your scar tells a story whether you want it to or not."
"You might look up now and then, but only if you can bring yourself to do it."
"There was so much I cut myself off from for fear of my mother’s reprisal."
"I had to accept my trauma to release myself from it."
"You live inside your accident … and you are so afraid of the next."
"You can’t join for anybody but God and you can’t join without faith."
"You live inside your pain and your loneliness, Lo."
"Even the son of God did not come to be served, but to serve. He gave his life as ransom for many. Whatever you do for the least of my followers, you do for me."
"You were a legend. One of the first things I ever heard about in here was you..."
"He cleanses with water. He punishes with fire and the moment you sin or waver, or make any mistake in his eyes, in The Project, you have to be corrected."
"You come into The Project, this world, and it loves you, and God loves you and He’ll keep loving you, in spite of yourself."
"Once one thing is in doubt, the whole thing is in doubt."
"It doesn’t work like that. It has never worked like that."
"I saved her. What happened to her was a mercy."
"Bea's greatest purpose was to bring you to me."
"I just want… it has to be the truth, you know?"
"Your sister will join The Project. I’ve seen it… Her faith depends on yours."