
No One Knows Quotes

No One Knows by J.T. Ellison

No One Knows Quotes
"Sometimes grown-ups make decisions we don’t agree with, but they are the right decisions."
"I thought mommies were supposed to love everyone."
"She’s going to contest the life insurance policy."
"I don’t want to hear that emotionless, clinical voice right now."
"What’s wrong with me? I never leave my house without it."
"The way a man makes you feel, the way he moves his mouth, his hands, his body."
"The mind is a very powerful entity. It can play tricks. It can be manipulated."
"You suffered a trauma yesterday, whether you want to admit it or not."
"Bad things happen to women who don’t have sex."
"Some people are just meant to rub each other wrong."
"It's you who are different, Aubrey. You've finally come to terms with his loss."
"Dear Josh, Did I ever tell you that I see my death? It's nothing concrete, more of an overwhelming moment of imagination, like a dream, but I'm awake."
"She knew the words to all the communiqués. One of her favorite pastimes was opening the boxes and reading through them."
"This is a family matter. You are not a part of this family. Leave now."
"Knowing his dad was the worst kind of criminal changed Josh. He vowed to never be that kind of person."
"The sun broke through the windows, spilling onto their shoulders."
"She tried to wriggle out from underneath Chase’s still sleeping form, but he had her pinned."
"Well, if you don’t stop liking it so much, Winston will pee on the rug."
"The sun was fine, the traffic somewhat light."
"Aubrey stretched, curled her legs underneath her."
"I never get to see them or the kids anymore."
"You have no idea what this is like for me. You have no idea."
"Don’t you want to live without you anymore. I can’t."
"Once something is done, it’s over, and there’s no sense looking back over your shoulder and wishing things could be different. That way lies madness."
"He was always off on stakeouts trying to catch men in awkward positions so their wives could divorce them and get a bundle of cash. It was unseemly, really."
"I can’t promise anything. But now you have me intrigued."
"She was everything he’d ever wanted, even as messed up as he knew she was."
"He was a fine man, a fine doctor. I’m so sorry for your loss."
"If you’re breaking up with me, you can do it now and save the plane fare."
"No matter what, it’s never so bad that you want to end it all."
"I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I have to go now. My wife will be waiting for me."
"The park was quiet this morning, deserted. The skies were cloudy and dark. Rain was coming, forcing its way into town, keeping people inside."
"Because no one will ever believe you could do something illegal. You have the face of an angel."
"You shouldn’t break the law, Josh. Bad things happen."
"But one who’s going to make you rich. So play nice, there’s a good boy."
"This wasn’t happening. He was dreaming. He was going to wake up, snug and toasty next to Aubrey."
"And in his heart, the lies began to form, and he knew this was the beginning of the end."
"Damn you, Josh Hamilton, leaving me with this mess."
"I'm not your good boy?" "Not even close. But I’m glad you’re here."
"Aubrey, this is a can of worms you do not want to open."
"You don’t have to face the world alone, Aubrey."
"I’m starting to put this together, and if you know anything else, now would be the time."
"I damn near killed you. Just the idea of it, what you were going through, I wondered for a minute if I should just snap your little neck, make it look like he did it, then I’d have a self-defense claim, and you wouldn’t have to live with it."
"I may get mad at you sometimes, but I don’t want anything bad happening to either of us."
"He had seen firsthand what the man was capable of. He would hurt Aubrey. And he couldn’t let that happen."
"She needed to get all the pieces together from Josh’s puzzle first."
"The past five years of her life was lies. All of it."
"I’ve distracted them. By lighting a fire. Smart."
"Every day without you is like the cut of a knife across my skin."
"Death by a thousand cuts? That’s what this feels like."
"I am training for a marathon. Every step I take is in your memory, your honor."
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
"I don’t want to live in South America. I don’t want to have surgery, change how I look. I don’t want to play this game."
"You could kill yourself. Save us a lot of trouble."
"I won’t do this if there’s any chance you can be caught up in it."