
Forever Quotes

Forever by Karen Kingsbury

Forever Quotes
"Overnight God had taken her life from foggy uncertainty to crystal clear panoramas."
"God's making it all so clear—the future and how it's supposed to play out."
"The sun was shining brighter than ever in her life."
"The future looked that bright. Yes, they still had some details to work out."
"You find it and I'll fly out and take a look. How's that?"
"I've never been in love before . . . so how could I have been convincing?"
"How am I going to survive until I see you again?"
"I’m fine." He didn’t want to talk about his anger.
"The house is going to be unbelievable—nicest place on the lake for sure."
"It’s hard, isn’t it?" "Yes." She stared at her hands. "Harder than I thought."
"You’re getting your dream. Big-shot lawyer and all."
"I was an athlete once upon a time, remember? I was supposed to play sports through college and earn a degree."
"The least you can do is take me to lunch on Friday."
"The guy’s no good." He put his hand on her shoulder. "You deserve better. That’s all."
"You look uptight, Matthews. Something wrong at home?"
"We’ll leave it as it is. No more passion, nothing steamy."
"It’s wrong; that’s all." He lifted his chin just enough so she could hear him.
"All that matters is Dayne. If the media turn on us, so be it."
"I have nothing to hide. Dayne's my son. He's always been my son."
"God's given us a miracle before. I'm begging Him to do it again."
"I've run from them ever since I met Dayne. Not this time."
"I love him. I've never loved anyone the way I love him. No matter what, I'm not leaving."
"We just need you to get out of here and show everyone how amazing God is."
"I never got to hold you or watch you take your first steps... so we have a lot to make up for, Son. Hurry and wake up, okay?"
"I'm not saying good-bye, because... because we just said hello. Call me when you wake up, all right?"
"I’ll never leave until he’s okay. However long that takes."
"The key is to learn how to love. And for a woman, that means making her husband feel special, important."
"Whatever’s going on must be eating him alive."
"I’ve prayed for a miracle. It’s going to happen; I can feel it."
"Whatever lay ahead for the two of them, Dayne would have his legs."
"Sometimes you treat me like the enemy. How come?"
"Keep short accounts. The Bible says, ‘Do not let the sun go down while you are angry.’ Make it a habit to forgive."
"Determine up front that divorce is not an option."
"Learn about love languages. Not all people show love or receive it the same way."
"Words of affirmation are a love language for all men."
"Men are born to be leaders. He cannot lead unless she gives him the confidence to do so."
"If you love your husband, build him up. Confident men do not seek love outside the home."
"In the journey of life, it was a better ride if a person took the passenger seat and let God do the driving."
"Every single point she’d made was something he’d known deep in his heart that he was supposed to do."
"No wonder his marriage felt like it was falling apart."
"Only then did the tears come, tears that had been building inside him since he first heard the news about Dayne."
"I’ve missed you so much. None of this, whatever I’m going through... none of it’s about you."
"Wait on Me, My daughter. Be still, and know that I am God."
"It’s like a snapshot of every season of her life, everything that had ever mattered."
"All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!"
"She obviously found the best in the business. It looks amazing."
"I thought we’d lost you . . . but look at you. Like it never happened."
"Because . . . you’re a Baxter. That’s what we do."
"Dear God, we come before You with humble, grateful hearts."
"Father, Elizabeth and I have our lost son back, something that never could’ve happened without You."
"God was a promise keeper. That much was evident even yesterday."