
The Brutal Telling Quotes

The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny

The Brutal Telling Quotes
"In that hush lived all the things that could be worse than slaughter."
"Like something alive, glowing, and growing. And approaching."
"Many native tribes believed evil lived in corners, which was why their traditional homes were rounded."
"The terrible force has destroyed everything in its way. The Old World and the New. All gone."
"Chaos. And the Furies. Disease, Famine, Despair. All are swarming. Searching."
"It was a story, nothing more. No harm in it."
"Their voices were low, barely scraping the ground. Like conspirators in a cause already lost."
"He shone the light here and there, trying to find the narrow path through the late summer forest."
"Oblivious of what happened around it. Or perhaps aware of everything, but choosing peace anyway."
"But in the very center of the little Quebec village there stood three great pines, like watchmen."
"The best news Gamache ever heard at a murder scene. Death he could handle. Even murder. It was suffering that disturbed him."
"What kills can’t be seen, the Chief had warned Beauvoir. That’s what makes it so dangerous."
"But the Mountain King was the mightiest of the gods, so he simply laughed knowing there was nothing they could do to him. No attack he couldn’t repulse, and redouble onto them. He was invincible. He prepared for their attack. Waited for it. But it never came."
"It was the silence that got to him first, and then the touch. Nothing touched him. No breeze brushed his rocky surface. No ant crawled over him, no bird touched down. No worm tunneled."
"The moment life began. She’d somehow captured Grace."
"This wasn’t just a crime of passion. There was passion, yes, but there was also planning. Whoever did this was in a rage. But he was in command of that rage."
"‘Twould ring the bells of Heaven," whispered Carole.
"‘Virgin?’ Gabri whispered to Myrna. ‘Obviously the mind fucks don’t count.’"
"I’m sure they were also loyal to Olivier. They seem to like him."
"We’re going to the Brume County Fair. Last day. What do you say? Can we interest you in cotton candy, cream soda, and a bison burger?"
"‘I couldn’t hold her back even if I tried,’ said Peter. ‘And I don’t want to try.’"
"‘Any idea when we can reopen the bistro?’ Gabri asked as he, Olivier and Myrna joined Agent Lacoste."
"We come here because of you. You’re the attraction. We love you, Olivier."
"My actual name is Michelle, but everyone calls me The Wife."
"What is it?" Gabri leaned forward and took Olivier’s slender hands. "Tell me."
"It’s just no fun anymore," said Olivier at last.
"You’re the kindest, most handsome man in the world."
"Are you looking for an excuse to be miserable? Is that it?"
"I think he might have killed that man and left his body in our house. As a threat. Or maybe he meant to kill one of us."
"I’m afraid not," said his mother. "I might have exaggerated."
"You need to get your head out of your own asshole," said Olivier.
"Maybe there’s something in all of this I missed."
"I wonder if the murderer knows just how terrible a thing is pursuing him?" asked Ruth. "I feel almost sorry for him. He must feel trapped."
"I think to be holy is to be human, and Vincent Gilbert is certainly that."
"Being isn’t really about LaPorte. It’s not even about Vincent Gilbert. It’s about arrogance, humility, and what it means to be human. It’s a beautiful book, written by a beautiful man."
"It’s from medieval times. A fortress was built with thick stone walls in a circle. [...] Everyone inside was safe. They hoped."
"He slept well that night. The boy, however, did not. He tossed and turned and finally left his cabin to stare up at the peak."
"It had taken years, but he’d woken up one morning in his cottage in the grounds of LaPorte and something had changed."
"Who leaves a signed first edition in an outhouse?"
"The book’s about a lonely piglet destined for the slaughterhouse. A spider named Charlotte befriends him and tries to save his life."
"The paths. Roar Parra was cutting riding paths for Dominique. One path was almost at the cabin. Close enough to see it."
"It’s a heavy wood, a hardwood. Cherry? No, the grain isn’t right. Cedar? No, the color is off, unless... Cedar. Redwood."
"It was because he was serious. This brilliant man actually seemed to think if he wasn’t happy it was a catastrophe."
"Like so many men his age he was having an affair. But this affair he was having was with himself."
"Because he was so extraordinary, his salvation would have to be too."
"Too late she’d realized—was it less than a day ago?—that Marc had been deeply damaged by his father’s death."
"And now the man stood, shriveled, dotted and maybe even dotty, with one unwavering hand out. Inviting her in."
"He was like Pinocchio. A man made of wood, mimicking humanity. Shiny and smiling and fake."
"Lies within lies within lies lay within this man."
"His loose-limbed awkward body contorted perfectly for the violin, as though created and designed for this purpose."
"And watching his agent the Chief Inspector suddenly realized what Morin reminded him of. A musical note."
"He knew of the death camps, knew of the slaughter, approved it. He simply looked good while doing it."
"Most of your life is shit, so it would feel natural."
"One word whispered to him, and had from the first moment they’d found the cabin. Repeated over and over. In the children’s book found in the outhouse, in the Amber panel, in the violin, and now in the book he held in his hand. One word. A name. Charlotte."
"But then I’d be worried for you," smiled Myrna. "What’s this about?"
"If a person insulted someone you cared about, would you say something?"
"It’s a room that was lived in, where people read, and talked and thought and laughed."
"All three were silent then, imagining what service could exact such a payment."
"Jérôme’s only annoyed because Dr. Gilbert thought himself God."
"I think part of the problem is they’re evidence in the murder case."
"Olivier’s chocolate torte and ice cream are far more dangerous. At least you know to be careful with an axe."
"It’s a typewriter’s keyboard. Also a computer’s."
"I’ve got to hand it to him, it worked. Most people who’ve read it agree with him."
"I tell the truth, and I say it in a way that might shock, but is at least real."
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
"People are horrible creatures. You must know that, Chief Inspector. You’ve seen what they can do to each other."
"She rose up into the air and the jilted earth let out a sigh."
"Every system they knew collapsed. It was lawless. Nothing worked."
"I just sit where I’m put, composed of stone and wishful thinking."