
The Carrie Diaries Quotes

The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell

The Carrie Diaries Quotes
"They say a lot can happen in a summer. Or not."
"Don’t forget, Bradley, we have to get boyfriends this year."
"Can’t we give this whole boyfriend thing a rest? We already know all the boys in our school."
"As your best friend, I cannot allow you to wear those boots on the first day of senior year."
"Thank you for your application to the New School’s Advanced Summer Writing Seminar. While your stories show promise and imagination, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in the program at this time."
"There could be an actual person inside Cynthia, but if there is, I’ve never seen it."
"Whoever we are here, we might be princesses somewhere else. Or writers. Or scientists. Or presidents."
"It’s the kind of thing you have to work at. You don’t just start doing it. You have to experiment."
"Who cares about The New School? Someday I’ll be a writer. Someday, but maybe not today."
"Love is spiritual. It’s about self-sacrifice and commitment. And discipline. You cannot have true love without discipline. And respect."
"I have a problem with authority. It turns me into mush. I’m a real jellyfish when it comes to facing adults."
"Life is bigger than people. It’s all about nature. The life cycle…It’s out of our control."
"I don’t know how to describe it, but it was the best feeling I’ve ever had. It’s the kind of thing that once you do it, all you want is to do it again and again."
"How can you be a feminist when you treat other women like dirt? Then you’re just a mean girl."
"If there were no men, women would always be happy."
"Growing up in the city, I always used to wonder what people did in small towns. But I guess people manage to get into trouble, no matter where they live."
"I thought being a feminist was about how you conducted your life."
"Sometimes I wish I could go into that painting. Close my eyes and wake up there. I’d stay there forever."
"You know what they say—all guys are assholes and all women are crazy."
"Why do girls always ask ‘What’s wrong?’ Maybe nothing’s wrong. Maybe a guy is just trying to eat."
"If you don’t have anything interesting to say, don’t become a writer. Become something useful. Like a doctor."
"How does a person explain everything about themselves anyway?"
"Rejection is part of the process. At least at first."
"I’m masquerading as a regular girl, but somewhere inside me there’s a star, waiting for someone to give me a chance."
"Wouldn’t it be cool if you were a writer and I was an editor at The New York Times?"
"In general, a preference for children of one sex over the other, often results in a lack in the child, an inherent lack."
"You don’t have to get so mad. Why do girls always take things so personally?"
"You think it’s a big deal until you do it. And then you think, ‘God, why did I wait so long?’"
"You don’t have to do it. Be nice to Gayle. She’s a pain in the ass."
"And after high school, it’s all downhill. Babies. Cheating husbands. Dead-end jobs. You don’t want to peak in high school. If you do, the rest of your life is a disaster."
"I think there should be a law against ugly girls in general."
"You’re not supposed to do anything. Make Sebastian do something. Make him tell her to end it."
"You’re always making jokes. I could never understand what you were doing in our AP classes."
"What if you really, really, really wanted something and you didn’t know how to get it—or you did know how to get it but you weren’t sure you should do it. How far would you go?"
"A person’s sexuality is…kind of their own business, right?"
"Sometimes, you have to act the opposite of what people expect. They want you to go crazy. They want you to hate them. The more you hate them, the stronger they become."
"It’s high school—a frequently unpleasant but relatively short percentage of your life. In five months we’ll be out of here. In five months, no one will care."
"You were wearing red patent leather Mary Janes. And you thought you were so special. You thought you were better than everyone else. Because you had red shoes and nobody else did."
"It wasn’t just the shoes. It was your whole attitude. You and your perfect little family. The Bradshaw girls. Aren’t they cute? And so well-behaved."
"Remember, I don’t just love you. I like you."
"I am so sick of everyone telling me what I should and shouldn’t do. Maybe I don’t want to be your idea of a writer. Did you ever think about that?"
"You need to do something to her. Blow up her truck."
"I can’t express how badly I want it. I don’t want to scare him."
"I have this theory: If you forgive someone, they can’t hurt you anymore."
"You can’t steal someone’s boyfriend unless he wants to be stolen."
"I have this theory: You can get away with anything as long as you act like you’re not doing anything wrong."
"It’s not about how many guys you’ve slept with. It’s about how you’ve slept with them."
"I’ve learned that much about her anyway. Having a hissy fit is Donna LaDonna’s way of teasing."
"It’s like having been burned once, I got used to the feeling, and now I have to keep burning myself again and again. Just to prove to myself that I’m still alive."
"A writer must be fearless. A writer has to be like a clawed animal."
"I’m not sure," he says. "New York City in the summer? It could be dangerous."