
Widow's Web Quotes

Widow's Web by Jennifer Estep

Widow's Web Quotes
"People leave behind emotional vibrations in their surroundings, in the places where they spend their time."
"Despite the fact that he was in his sixties, McAllister’s face was smoother than mine was at thirty, given his regimen of Air elemental facials. Vanity, thy name was Jonah McAllister."
"But my target hadn’t bothered with alarms on the grates up here in the rarefied corporate air. Few people thought to properly secure the doors, windows, and air ducts on the upper levels of their homes or offices."
"I wasn’t as good with a gun as I was with a blade, but the one I’d brought along would get the job done in the office’s confined space."
"The second I popped one open, an alarm would have sounded, and lobby guards would have come running with their guns drawn and plugged me full of bullets."
"Walking away is not nearly as much fun as this is."
"Caterina grabbed a menu and started to go over to Kincaid, but Sophia headed her off and pointed her to a customer who needed a drink refill, leaving him to me."
"A cold, silver light flickered in my palm, centered on the scar there, one that was shaped like a small circle surrounded by eight thin rays."
"The human body was mostly made of water, and giants’ bodies were no different."
"I know this is going to make me sound like somebody's mom, but right now, I don't fucking care."
"What a fucking mess. But there was nothing to do now but deal with it."
"Everyone in the underworld knows—or at least strongly suspects—that you're really the assassin the Spider."
"I shoved my knife into the bitch's black heart. It was one of the most satisfying moments of my life."
"Gin, like the liquor. A bit cliché, don't you think?"
"Her name is Salina Dubois, and I want you to kill the bitch for me."
"Not in the business of engineering spectacles of any sort."
"I'm going to call your grandfather and tell him that you've been keeping company with one of Ashland's most notorious crime lords."
"Thank you, Gin, for believing me. For trusting me."
"I suspected Owen hadn’t failed Salina so much as she’d outright lied to him."
"I know," I whispered back. "And I love you too. We’ll figure this out, just like we always do—together."
"The sight of the old man’s clutter brought a ghost of a smile to my face."
"Sometimes Fletcher’s murder and the knowledge that he was gone still hurt as much as if it had all happened just yesterday."
"He nodded, dropped his arms from around me, and stepped back."
"I knew Owen loved me, that he loved me just as much as I did him."
"But I couldn’t help but wonder if he still loved Salina as well."
"Poor bastard. He’ll pay for it now—more than he ever imagined."
"It’s my home. And I plan to reclaim what’s mine—everything that’s mine."
"We’ll figure this out, just like we always do—together."
"Salina knew how beautiful she was, and she used it to get exactly what she wanted exactly when she wanted it."
"All I wanted was to make things right; all I wanted was to give myself some closure, some peace."
"I’m going to get the truth for Owen one way or another. You can be helpful, or you can be dead. Doesn’t much matter to me."
"Because Salina has water magic, and you don’t."
"It’s not like Cooper to go off and leave the forge hot when he’s not around."
"That’s because Eva was a cute little girl and had him wrapped around her finger."
"He’s an Air elemental, right? I remember you telling me that before. How strong is he?"
"I’ve heard about you, Gin, and what you can do with your magic. How you killed Mab Monroe."
"You should have known better than to force me to leave Ashland in the first place."
"I’ve been up here in this old holler going on two hundred years. I’m not about to let Salina or anyone else drive me out of it."
"What did you think would happen? That you could just kill Cooper and go on your merry way?"
"I knew he’d gone to the water elemental to protect me from her threat, even if it meant putting himself in harm’s way."
"You’re not strong at all, are you, Gin? Or at least not strong enough."
"I’ll do whatever you want me to. I promise I will."
"She would have killed one of you sooner or later."
"If you hadn’t killed Salina tonight, how long do you think it would have been before she made another run at you? Or Eva? Or even Owen?"
"I didn’t kill her for you. So I could have you or keep you."
"You’re right, and she would have to do that."
"You just didn’t trust me enough to do what needed to be done where Salina was concerned."
"Sometimes there was more comfort in lies than the truth."
"Over these past few months, I’ve watched you do what you thought needed to be done, no matter how dangerous it was."
"Because in the end, someone had to make the hard decisions, had to do the dirty work, had to be the bad guy."
"You take as much time as you need. But know this, Owen. I love you. Now, today, tomorrow. That won’t ever change, no matter what happens between us."
"I’m going to give Eva some time to grow up—a lot of time, actually."
"I think book club sounds like a great idea. Thanks for thinking of it—and me."
"I hadn’t had many true friends in my life, and I was glad that I’d found them."
"Our love wasn’t dead. It was just a little battered and bruised. It would eventually heal."
"I’d gotten through worse, and I’d get through this too."