
The Stardust Thief Quotes

The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah

The Stardust Thief Quotes
"But while she caught two sailors trading profanity-laden opinions, heard a couple confessing forbidden love to one another, and was audience to a strange riddle game, she overheard nothing about the sultan."
"A thousand blessings upon you, Loulie al-Nazari."
"The gods have blessed your daughter with natural talent."
"There’s no need to draw attention to yourself."
"You speak as if there is a specific time for stories."
"I am but a single jinn. I cannot change your land’s prejudices."
"And then it’s a good thing you won’t be one of the people I assign to his security force."
"If it is stories you seek, these carpets tell tales of their own."
"The less time she had to spend walking through this gold-plated trap, the happier she was."
"You want to know why I’m following you? Guilt."
"I’m expected to be pleasant at court. You, on the other hand…"
"I did it because you ordered me to, you bastard."
"I would rather marry a dust-covered relic than a man."
"The stars, they burn the night and guide the sheikh’s way."
"I am Loulie al-Nazari, the Midnight Merchant, and I am the master of my own fate."
"Death in a free land is better than life in a gilded cage."
"I only burn those who get in the way of good business."
"I have better things to do with my time than spy on you."
"Who says we have to hand anything over? Think of the sultan as a customer to be scammed."
"I never thought I’d see the fearless Midnight Merchant look so defeated before the journey even began."
"You ought to have more faith in me. I haven’t lived this long just to be bested by an arrogant human."
"The ifrit in the lamp isn’t the only jinn in danger."
"I look forward to the day you learn patience. You will be a force to be reckoned with then."
"A person’s reputation is determined by how they interact with others."
"She waits in the shade, the sun says, the beloved of your dreams."
"Not everything that is stolen from us must remain so."
"If you will not succumb to me, then you will serve me."
"The fear was immediate. It shot through Mazen’s veins like lightning."
"Kill him, destroy everything, even his bones."
"I’m sorry. I only meant to bring the prince back."
"The only sharp thing I was meant to handle was a sickle."
"We suffer from wanderlust and find excuses to leave home."
"There’s no point in gathering enchanted items that would simply sit on my shelves and collect dust."
"Relics are an object to which we bind our souls so we can live on after our mind and body have perished."
"No, I do not care for your gold. I want you."
"You are lucky I need you alive, Prince. But remember, any discomfort you—or your companions experience is your fault."
"The gods saw fit to make me their messenger."
"You are stupidly secretive for someone whose life is in my hands."
"I don’t know if my ghouls sensed your jinn or your bag of relics, but it doesn’t matter. Neither can help you anymore."
"I’d rather save myself the trouble of testing all your supplies."
"I promised you answers for answers. But since you have given me nothing, I will try my luck elsewhere."
"Freedom was a right only appreciated by those who lost it."
"One does not truly understand a thing's value until it is gone."
"Magic is not just destruction. It is also salvation."
"The only difference between a hero and a coward is that one forgets their fear and fights, while the other succumbs to it and flees."
"To live is a matter of belief. The wicked live longer simply because they believe themselves to be invincible."
"We humans are the ones who decide when legacies die."
"There’s a freedom to sharing the truth when others did not know it was his."
"What is worth isn’t determined by whether or not it is enchanted."
"That’s not fair," he said quietly. "I haven’t killed any jinn. Why do you assume I share my brother’s morals?"
"My parents used to say a story could reveal the heart of the teller. I see that truth in you."
"When my mother was alive, the palace was a sanctuary for us, not a prison."
"Your honesty is a foible, Prince. But also a treasure. Don’t underestimate your ability to influence others."
"If only you knew, Mazen, how terrible our father was."
"It is because you are a coward that I could pin this crime on you."
"You think I, the mightiest of jinn, will abide your abuse? You think I—"
"I knew you would see in time," said the Omar that had turned to him.