
Hidden Order Quotes

Hidden Order by Brad Thor

Hidden Order Quotes
"While paths did sometimes cross in the intelligence world, Ryan knew better than to believe in coincidences."
"It’s hard enough doing the work you and I do without having to fight our own people in the process."
"The funny thing about believing you can do no wrong is that you quickly begin doing nothing but wrong."
"Unfortunately, in Africa, we don’t have the luxury of deciding from whom we take our money."
"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
"In the middle of an endurance exercise designed so that there was no way anyone could complete it, they realized he was either going to join their ranks or die trying and they ended the audition."
"His skill at SEAL Team Six won the attention of the Secret Service, who recruited him to the White House to help bolster their anti- and counterterrorism expertise."
"By the time Harvath was done, he was one of the most formidable counterterrorism and intelligence operatives to ever ply the trade. In short, he was an Apex predator—an animal at the top of the food chain who hunted, yet was so fearsome, he himself was not hunted."
"Language proficiency was not something SEALs were particularly known for, but Harvath’s aptitude was quickly recognized and encouraged."
"The colonists, though, had a greater fear than invaders from the frontier. They were afraid that if this tax was allowed to pass unchallenged, there’d be a tidal wave of taxes to follow, and all without any colonial input."
"In an act of defiance, the colonists refused it. Instead, they began drawing their own stamp on their printed materials."
"If you steadfastly refused to quit, you rapidly narrowed your options to only winning."
"Ryan’s intelligence, determination, and physical abilities were quickly realized. Her beauty was simply icing on the cake."
"The earmarks of a good operative were a comfort with ambiguity, a high tolerance for stress, and an ability to operate independently."
"It was either going to be him or them. He chose himself every time."
"The force of the impact sent the van skidding sideways."
"McGee killed them both with two .45-caliber rounds to the chest and one to the head fired in rapid succession."
"The simplest explanation was usually correct."
"Ryan shook her head. "I needed some sleep. It was turned off.""
""Now we get the hell out of here," replied Ryan as she grabbed one of the MP5s from the bag."
"The world, unfortunately, was filled with people who felt the rules didn’t apply to them."
""The flight to Boston’s Logan airport was faster than any shuttle flight he had ever experienced from D.C."
""At least justice was finally done and the people of Massachusetts didn’t have to foot his bill anymore."
""Why don’t you step down. We’d like to have a word with you, please.""
"If you decide at any time during this process that you would like to have counsel present, we’ll of course understand, but that means everything will stop and we will have to set a time for you and your attorney to come to CIA headquarters."
"What this is about, Mr. Stevenson," McGee lied, "is a substantial sum of money that has gone missing."
"Erick, if you come clean and return the money, this will go a lot easier on you," Ryan offered.
"I’m sorry," said the banker. "Who are you again?"
"The only way we can help you," said McGee, "is if you help us."
"Now that we know who’s putting the meat in the cage," Ryan said as she put the key in the ignition and fired up the car, "it’s time to rattle it."
"The shortest distance between two points isn’t a straight line, it’s an angle."
"I’m telling you that you got my best idea. Hell, you got my only idea. I’m fresh out. That’s it."
"I understand why you had to do that, Dr. Wise. I even forgive you for it, as I hope you will forgive me for what I have to do."
"This wasn’t about getting to the gun first; this was about stopping Wise from getting to it at all."
"Out of habit, Wise started analyzing his own injuries and then almost laughed at the absurdity of it all."
"If you want to get someone’s attention, that is the way to do it."
"I’d like to think that if I got murdered, I’d be pissed-off enough to stay around until the case got solved."
"Lucy Lockett lost her pocket, Sally Fisher found it."
"We have to remain positive. We’ve got to do everything we can to solve this thing."
"I glory in publicly avowing my eternal enmity to tyranny."
"I'm sorry to have to do this over the phone," he said.
"There are two things you can never trust a woman with: alcohol and guns."
"The Saudis were blackmailing Chairman Sawyer."
"The Saudis aren’t stupid. In fact, they’re quite cunning."
"The world economy is crumbling. Something very bad, very dark is on the horizon."
"I'm the lion. You don’t tell the lion what to do. Not now. Not ever."
"The storm’s coming and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it."
"You have no idea what you’re dealing with, do you?"
"Technically, though, this conversation never happened. Understood?"