
The Sister-in-Law Quotes

The Sister-in-Law by Sue Watson

The Sister-in-Law Quotes
"I have everything I need now, here in this car, and no one can take it from me."
"You have to work at a marriage; the best marriages don’t just happen."
"I stopped myself from saying anything about his speed. I would feel like a killjoy – the nagging wife as opposed to the sexy carefree one I wanted to be."
"I can always find my Jamie on his Instagram."
"Imagine Dad being with Mum all day when they retire, she’ll never let him rest."
"The drive from the airport at Naples to our villa was, according to the satnav, just over an hour."
"Life is about consequences, everything you do will have an effect on someone, somewhere, just like that butterfly."
"I looked up, surprised. 'Yeah, I’m doing yoga, Clare.' She smiled, rolling her eyes."
"I used to live in Manchester, I have a place in London... A small apartment in New York..."
"We’re go-getters Clare. I’d made my money before I was twenty-five."
"It would make life a lot easier if the two of us could get along."
"Possibly? Older people do have to be careful though, Clare."
"OMG, Clare, I was just having a laugh with you. I didn’t offend you, did I?"
"I guess I just don’t have the same sense of humour as you."
"You don’t think Jamie and I have secrets, do you? No, we tell each other everything."
"I need to concentrate – and talking about how well your kids are doing at school, or how many beds you made in hospital last week, is distracting."
"I’ve met someone," he’d said one evening, three months before, as I grilled fish fingers for the children’s tea.
"I hadn’t meant to tell her. She’d popped round one afternoon – I was getting ready for a night shift, she was sitting with the kids until Dan got home."
"I gave her up because you didn’t want the inconvenience of leaving me."
"It’s about me and you doing something nice for my brother and his new wife."
"He told me it started after Taylor’s Christmas party the previous year; she was the accountant."
"The idea of him loving someone else had lain heavily on me for too long and wasn’t going to melt away under the Italian sun."
"You’re so right! Meat… balls – they even sound disgusting!"
"Let Ella compete with me for Joy’s favour if she wanted to, I was the older, more mature woman and I would enjoy this meal graciously."
"Ella’s ‘vegan feast’ was – against all the odds – a triumph."
"Let’s hope no one tells Dan the truth about his perfect wife."
"It’s nice to be on our own without Ella prancing around in her bikini taking selfies."
"That’s enough now, boys, smile for Auntie Ella."
"If the rest of your repertoire is anything like this, I’ll never eat meat again."
"You have to admit, she’s full of good ideas."
"I’m amazed, though, Ella’s all over Instagram in bikinis, running in and out of oceans all over the world – yet she can’t swim!"
"I reckon you don’t like her because you feel threatened."
"The clue’s in the name – that’s just for baby cows."
"That's the problem, Clare, you don't trust anyone."
"I'm sorry, but Ella is genuine and – believe it or not – she cares about you, Clare."
"You've had a lot going on. But if you imagine something like this again, just come and talk to me, yeah?"
"I know, I know. Darling... listen to me – I need you to be patient."
"You could do so much better, Clare, he really is punching..."
"Please don't tell Jamie how to interact with his son."
"It isn’t just about me – God, I wish it were only about me."
"You’re capable, Clare – you don’t know how it feels to be Ella."
"Doesn’t matter if he finds someone else who he really loves, you’re there with your kids and your handcuffs dragging him back."
"I'm not judging how you make a living, but I wonder what Jamie would think?"
"You think you know everything, don’t you, Clare?"
"I can’t believe you’d make an account featuring my children without asking me."
"Imagine what it would do to you? To Dan, to the family?"
"I hoped she’d take the bait, because that would prove everything I thought about Ella, that this was just a bit of fun for the summer."
"I couldn’t take the constant threat hanging over me, and this was a last effort to tempt her away."
"From my vantage point, I could see her at the other side of the pool."
"‘God’, I thought, ‘he’s even starting to sound like her.’"
"‘I am more than okay, Clare,’ she said, and I could just tell she was dying to tell someone her news."
"It doesn’t matter. Like you said, it’s her word against mine and I don’t stand a chance."
"‘She’s trouble,’ I said. ‘And it looks like she and Jamie are on the rocks too.’"
"‘You don’t have to be over,’ I said. ‘If you don’t rock my boat, then I won’t rock yours. No one needs ever to know.’"
"No. If she went to the police, I’d tell them she blackmailed me – that’s illegal, and I’ll have proof."
"She can’t call the police for something like that… can she?"
"‘This is nice, just like old times,’ I said."
"‘It was never the same for us after last summer,’ he sighed."
"‘Trust Joy to be on first-name terms with the detective. I bet she charmed the Italian pants off him,’ I’d said to Dan later."
"Jamie says he can’t keep it in his pants, that Bob told him he worries when Dan does staff interviews because he picks young, pretty women who can’t do the job."
"She’s an attractive girl. I may have glanced at her, might have given her the odd compliment, but touching her in an inappropriate way? God, no!"
"‘And has anyone heard from her since she left?’ I asked, ignoring his protestations of innocence."
"But, Clare, that isn’t all… she’s saying it’s harassment. She’s threatening me with the police!"
"We can work through it, Dan. I know it might not seem like that now, but—"
"We tried to be upbeat for the children, but it was hard, and somehow the conversation always returned to Ella."
"‘I’m sorry, but I had to…’ I had no pity for her. I felt vindicated; she was clearly set on abandoning Jamie and the Taylors at the first sniff of something better."
"I don’t know. I keep thinking, if Ella was going to kill herself, it would have been far more aesthetic."
"‘She’s just stirring it all up, Joy. It’s all lies, don’t let it upset you,’ I said, putting my arm around her."
"But if she went to the police, I’d tell them she blackmailed me – that’s illegal, and I’ll have proof."