
A Rake's Vow Quotes

A Rake's Vow by Stephanie Laurens

A Rake's Vow Quotes
"The only women Cynster males need be wary of were Cynster wives."
"For gentlemen such as he, that was proof enough of what might be."
"They’re very much mortal men, as hot-blooded and bold as they come."
"A gentleman would have coughed or something."
"You see, I’m not a gentleman. I’m a Cynster."
"Fate’s message couldn’t have been clearer: escape was impossible."
"I know it wasn’t Gerrard. Your brother couldn’t lie to save himself—and he didn’t try."
"Why the devil didn't you stay where I left you? And didn't Minnie make you promise not to chase the Spectre in the dark?"
"The Spectre now knows that he was followed last night—that, but for your untimely accident, he might well have been caught."
"I'll suggest he responds to any aspersions cast his way with scornful boredom."
"If I find you on them, I'll tie you to a daybed."
"Of course, you won't be called upon to put that to the test."
"Patience isn’t sure when she realized he was gone—she sleepily cracked open her lids—and saw the windows rather than him. The warm peace that pervaded her was too deep to leave; she smiled and closed her eyes again."
"The telltale tension between them—there from the first—had intensified. Taut as a wire, heightened to excruciating sensitivity."
"Vane had noticed the dark rings under her large eyes. He wasn’t surprised to find her drifting close to sleep."
"This desire had to be what her mother had felt, what had driven her to accept Reginald Debbington in marriage and trapped her in a loveless union for all her days."
"Patience tried to open her eyes, but her lids were too heavy. Finding breath enough to whisper was just possible. "What if someone comes in?""
"Patience was beyond understanding—all she knew was the peace, the calm, the profound pleasure that welled and washed through her."
"He caught her gaze, then slowly, deliberately, lifted his fingers to the top button of her bodice."
"Her words ended on a sigh as Vane lifted his head, lifted his lips from her breast. His voice rumbled softly through her."
"Simply loving, even if that love was unrequited, would be sweet—bittersweet maybe, but the experience was not one she would turn down."
"The knowledge that she aroused him was like a grapple about her heart—a facet from some deep, heretofore unacknowledged dream."
"Love is not something he has to give—and I’ll never—hear me well—never—marry without that."
"She might want me, but he’s still an elegant gentleman."
"Their liaison would last for however long it might; while she would be sad when it ended, she wouldn’t be caught, trapped in never-ending misery like her mother."
"This morning was very pleasant, quite eye-opening, but... Not enough to commit me to marriage."
"If you can tell me this morning meant nothing to you, I’ll accept your dismissal."
"I have never been particularly interested in marriage. I’ve grown used to my independence, to my freedom, to being my own mistress."
"I ask you to be my wife, and you offer to be my lover."
"Whatever had you in its grip must have disturbed me, too—I suspect the malady might last for some time."
"No, no." Vane deployed his rakish smile—the one designed to allay all suspicions. "I was just aimlessly wandering. I’ll let you get back to your work."
"I can’t see why we can’t drive into Northampton again." Angela’s whine was pronounced. "There’s nothing to do here."
"My dear, you really should cultivate some thankfulness." Mrs. Chadwick sounded weary.
"Oh, of course, I’m grateful." Angela’s tone made it sound like a disease.
"But it’s just so boring, being stuck out here with nothing to look at but old stones."
"Mind you," she went on, "I did think that when Mr. Cynster came it would be different. You said he was a rake, after all."
"Angela! You’re sixteen. Mr. Cynster is entirely out of your league!"
"Well, I know that—he’s so old, for a start! And he’s far too serious."
"I very likely got more sleep than you," Minnie replied, a roguish twinkle in her eye.
"And now," Edith said, "we just need a crochet hook . . ." She looked to where her tatting bag had been placed.
"I know it’s there somewhere." Edith’s voice, slightly querulous, jolted Vane to action.
"I now know more about tatting than I could possibly need to know, even should I live to be a hundred."
"He’s hated me ever since I stuck a marble up the end of her cane. She couldn’t understand why it kept sliding away from her."
"You know, it’s really quite odd. While I rarely find myself in agreement with Cynsters, one has to admit their taste in one respect resonates remarkably with mine."
"I must remember to commend Celestine on her farsighted design."
"It’s been years since I’ve seen you up at cockcrow."
"She’s inherited your stubbornness with interest."
"What my dearest wife means is that, although the ladies of the family meet often, they miss the opportunity of seeing how the other half of the family’s comporting itself."
"Anticipation struck her like lightning; in an instant, her body heated anew."
"Wholeheartedly. Unreservedly. Unrestrainedly."
"Wrapped in each other’s arms, they floated in the realm reserved for lovers, where no mind was allowed to go."
"Just listen. I’m renowned within the ton as being cool under fire—around you, I’m never cool."
"With my body, I thee worship. With my heart, I thee adore."
"The truth broke on her in the instant their sun imploded and shattered into a million shards."
"It’s giving myself to you—so that I’m in your keeping."
"I love you. And if you want me to say it a thousand times, I will."
"I don’t like losing control—it’s like losing myself—in you."