
Happy Place Quotes

Happy Place by Emily Henry

Happy Place Quotes
"The most important friendships in my life all came down to a decision made by strangers, chance."
"Noise as a celebration, as the overflow of joy at being alive, here, now."
"For the next week, life will be crisp white wine, creamy lobster rolls, and laughing with my friends until tears stream down our cheeks."
"The car’s engine growls to life. With a whoop, she peels out of the parking lot and points us east, toward the water, the windows down and sunlight rippling over our skin."
"There’s a before and an after, with a hard line between them, proof that there are millions of small things you can do to make life a little better."
"The world has never felt so kind, so positive. Like everyone is a potential friend, with something fascinating and brilliant to offer."
"He’s become my best friend the way the others did: bit by bit, sand passing through an hourglass so slowly, it’s impossible to pin down the moment it happens."
"Because feelings were changeable, and people were unpredictable. You couldn’t hold on to them through the force of will."
"We’re here, they promised. And the loneliness never found such a foothold again."
"Because in this life, I decided not to stay there, I decided to do something different than my parents did, be someone different. But if I had another one to live, I’d want the one where I stayed too."
"Everything changes eventually."
"How does she always see things so clearly?"
"You deserve to honor yourself."
"Life’s long."
"Every time he offers me more of him, it gets harder not to have it all."
"This is my family."
"Simple isn’t bad. Simple isn’t stupid, and you’re not stupid."
"I love you so much, Harriet."
"Not that," I say. "The idea that all your classmates voted you prom king... because they felt sorry for you."
"But I don’t really believe it. I am in that phase of love where you’re sure no two people have ever felt this way before."
"It suits you."
"Me too, I think. I can’t bring myself to say it, to admit that the rest of my life, everything I’ve worked for, has started to feel like set dressing. Like loving him is the only essential, and everything else is garnish."
"Our apartment. It still manages to hold traces of him. Or maybe that’s me, carrying his ghost around wherever I go."
"Some things never change, and the best thing is to stop hoping they will."
"You’re like gravity."
"My mind’s always got one hand on you."
"Our love is a place we can always come back to."
"If it was possible to stop loving you, I would’ve managed it in that first year of desperately trying to."
"You, are the very best thing that’s ever happened to me."
"If you really want to be with someone, you don’t wait for things to be perfect."
"Everything’s different and nothing’s changed."
"I thought when I found a way to be happy, I’d think about you less. But instead, it’s like... like now that the grief isn’t strangling me, there’s all this extra room to love you."
"There doesn’t need to be a winner and a loser. You just have to care how the other person feels."
"More Hank wisdom. Love means constantly saying you’re sorry, and then doing better."
"How are you so sure? More Hank wisdom."
"But the point stands: change happens."
"My meditation app often tells me to picture my thoughts and feelings as clouds, myself as the mountain they’re drifting past."
"You see the best in everyone, and you make the people you love feel like even their flaws are worth appreciating."
"Your parents love you, and everything they do...is because they want you to be happy."
"But that doesn’t mean they’re automatically right about what’s best for you."
"A happy potter’s better for this world than a miserable surgeon."
"Your job doesn’t have to be your identity. It can just be a place you go, that doesn’t define you or make you miserable. You deserve to be happy."
"She ran because she’s scared that, in the end, she won’t be worth chasing."
"The inevitable? The end of the trip? Goodbye? Everything’s changing, and I’m not ready."
"You’re a part of me. You’re so deep in my heart that I couldn’t get you out if I tried, and I don’t want to."
"This is how I used to think of love. As something so delicate it couldn’t be caught without being snuffed out. Now I know better."
"Want is a kind of thief. It’s a door in your heart, and once you know it’s there, you’ll spend your life longing for whatever’s behind it."