
Things We Hide From The Light Quotes

Things We Hide From The Light by Lucy Score

Things We Hide From The Light Quotes
"But there was nothing. Just me and the void."
"The greater good always comes with a price tag."
"I felt a flicker of something in the nothingness. Shame."
"I need one thing to go my way. Just one."
"Even from hundreds of miles away, my mother still managed to make me feel like she was holding a pillow over my face."
"This whole woe-is-me wallowing was really starting to piss me off, but I didn’t know how to climb out. Didn’t know if I could."
"I hadn’t saved myself that night."
"I was both relieved and horrified."
"The one that carried the mantel of guilt and frustration..."
"The Knockemout Public Library was housed across the hall from the police department..."
"Chief Morgan was a ticking time bomb..."
"There was something about her that reminded me of the nice, cool girls in high school."
"All I’m saying is give Octavia Butler a try. And then come back with apology flowers and tequila because you’re dead wrong."
"You know what no one tells you about standing in the middle of a pissing contest? You’re the one who ends up smelling like pee."
"But it wasn’t nearly as sexy when the fight was actually a jurisdictional pissing match and I was just a pawn."
"Date him because he’s perfect for you."
"I never thought a dog rescue story would disappoint me."
"This is northern Virginia. Y’all barely say y’all here. You can’t ‘aw shucks’ your way out of this."
"I almost bled out in a ditch. Most of me is still here, but part of me didn’t make it out."
"I want you to say it. Cards on the table."
"The closer I get to you, the better I feel."
"I feel like I can finally breathe easy."
"No one survives their first Sweating with the Oldies workout."
"The only villain here was the malfunction in my brain."
"Panic was never the solution. It would never serve you in times of crisis."
"I watched the footage…after. No matter how long I live, I’ll never forget the noise my mom made when Coach dropped to his knees and started CPR. It was…primal."
"I’m so f***ing tired, Angel. I just want to close my eyes next to you."
"You either trust your friend to handle himself or you have this conversation with him. At the very least, have the decency to have his back to his face."
"When you start being immune to it, that’s when it’s time to get out. It’s the hurt, the caring that makes us good at our jobs."
"It’s one day at a time. As long as the good balances out the bad, I’m ready for the next day."
"This is my life. You are the only thing in my entire existence that makes me feel like I’ve got a shot at finding my way back."
"I realized that as good as I am, sometimes it just comes down to luck. And I don’t want to count on that forever."
"Maybe the dark was an empty, meaningless existence, but it was the light that could burn you."
"Some things are tougher than others to get over."
"There’s always someone a person would turn to when they needed help."
"He never looked at me like I was a nobody."
"I trusted you, Angelina. I opened up to you and you played me."
"However, unpopular opinion here. You're not responsible for how you were brought up, but you are responsible for your actions and reactions once you're an adult."
"Vulnerability is weakness. Why would I ever want to be weak again? Being vulnerable doesn't mean you're weak. It means you trust yourself to be strong enough to handle the hurt."
"Nobody is good at it at first. No one has a natural talent for being in a relationship. Everyone has to learn how to be good at it. It takes a lot of practice and forgiveness and vulnerability."
"Just because you want the freedom to make your own choices doesn't mean you have to be alone."
"Maybe Stef was ready to get crushed like a spotted lantern fly, but I still wasn't convinced that vulnerability was the ultimate strength."
"Friends don’t let friends be in danger alone."
"We’ve already proved we can’t trust each other."
"Sometimes sayin’ you’re sorry is more important than coverin’ your ass."
"I don’t know what’s on the other side, but I’d sure as hell be willing to risk finding out if I got a second chance."
"Real friends. That’s what Angie had called them. Naomi and Sloane had accepted all of me, including my less-than-perfect parts."
"When they do, I bet it’ll shift the earth’s axis and send us spinning off into space."
"I’m sorry for making you feel like you couldn’t trust me. I won’t make the same mistake twice."
"I’m new at this. I’m new to having friends like Naomi and Sloane."
"Being with Naomi has quadrupled your daily word count."
"Am I completely losing my mind for thinking that maybe he might be worth changing all that for?"
"What if he gets to know all of me and then he decides I’m too much or not enough?"
"The only way you’re going to know if he’s the one is if you treat him like he’s the one."
"You have got to trust your parents enough to be honest with them."
"I changed my mind. I like keeping everyone at arm’s length."
"You have got to trust your folks to handle their shit."
"It’s impossible to outrun your genes. We were made by flawed men. Those flaws don’t just dissolve out of the bloodline."
"I think I was looking for someone to confirm my darkest fears."
"I thought becoming a cop would mean I could finally fix it all."
"What you do is nothing short of heroic."
"You are not your father, hotshot."
"Maybe your good times are yet to come."
"There’s no way I’m dying with another man strapped to my back."
"I don’t jump for the rush. I jump for this."
"Sometimes the answer is the one that just feels right."
"Why in the hell would you jump out of a perfectly good plane?"
"I need to figure out some kind of grand gesture to make her believe in me. In us."
"This asshole had kidnapped the wrong woman."
"You had me kidnapped because you got fired for being a racist misogynist?"
"Bigger the risk, the bigger the reward."
"The longer you make me chase you, the more I’ll let Dilton hurt you."
"Please let there be water. Please let there be water."
"This wedding only happens with us all."
"This is your shot at something good."
"Some of us were a little banged up. But we were here and that was what counted."