
From Twinkle, With Love Quotes

From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon

From Twinkle, With Love Quotes
"If you learn only one thing about me, it’s that I think I have a filmmaker’s soul." - Twinkle Mehra
"This diary was a birthday present from Dadi... 'Take this, Twinkle. Put the words of your heart in the pages as you put the images of your heart in your movies.'"
"Some might call people like me losers. I myself prefer the term 'groundlings.'"
"Here’s a little secret, though: I wouldn’t completely mind if I were something other than a groundling."
"I love swim season. Neil, in swim trunks. Broad male shoulders glistening with water. The smell of chlorine."
"This could be my ticket to an alternate life, Sofia, a way to become one of the insiders."
"You might fail, munni, but when you’re off in college, will you wish you hadn’t taken this chance? Or that you had?"
"So what if I want to be the object of someone’s affections, secretly or otherwise?"
"This must be how Dean and Sam Winchester feel every time they go on a hunt together."
"You have the soul of a storyteller, Twinkle. I’ve watched your YouTube videos, okay? You have the ability to make people bare their real selves when you’re holding a camera, and not many people can do that."
"We’re pretty far into the trail. I don’t think we can make it back to your car in time."
"I know, I know. Skid’s into botany and there’s an elusive variety of musk thistle that he’s desperate to track down."
"I want to be honest and brave and confident in my art."
"Do you think all this magic happens without some serious tools?"
"The cyclorama wasn’t about the cyclorama. It’s about … being noticed. Not being the kind of person who’s going to fade into the background, overlooked for someone else."
"I see what he’s made of, and it’s the stuff I’m made of too, I think."
"Why do you look like you ate a rotten lemon, then?"
"What about all of that? I kept thinking about Sahil’s eyes. How kind and funny and talented he is."
"I know girls usually just dismiss me as 'that geeky dude who has a thing for horror movies.' But she didn’t."
"You don’t need all this stuff to sweep him off his feet. You’re kind of cool in a weirdly quirky way. It draws people in."
"We’re all on your schedule because this is the Lewis Shore Show. And you can treat girls however you want because they’re just there to prop you up, to make you feel like a big man, right, Lewis?"
"I’m glad you did. And I’m … I’m so sorry, T. I had no idea."
"I’m not arrogant! I just know that I’m good."
"Being stuck in a metal bullet hurtling alongside other metal bullets at eighty miles per hour is not my idea of fun."
"Sometimes one must be strong enough for two."
"Our best friends, the ones we love the most, are the ones who can hurt us the most."
"We humans think we exist apart. Single. Beautiful and vivid, but alone."
"Who ever said making authentic art was comfortable and cushy?"
"You’re just lashing out at everyone because you feel like a loser inside."
"Each powder has been mixed. So they feel the same way that you do. They feel the same pain."
"I’m making the best movie I can make, and that includes the behind-the-scenes interviews."
"It's going to be great. You're a gifted director, and we've worked hard on the movie. People are gonna love it."
"I wanted to make movies that would bring people together, not ones that would tear them apart."
"Some things were more important than fame and money."
"If you can take steps to correct your mistakes, it makes a world of difference."
"I don’t need to compare myself to my brother all the time. I may not be talented in all the ways he’s talented, and that’s okay. We’re two different people."
"You’re one of my best friends, Sahil. When I was with you, I didn’t even think about Neil. I saw only you, and you were—you were more than enough."
"I have universes I want to explore, Sahil Roy. And I want you to be my partner through all of it."
"I knew it, Twinkle! I knew it! Chandrashekhar told me there would be travel in our future and that you would be the catalyst!"