
Playing With Fire Quotes

Playing With Fire by Derek Landy

Playing With Fire Quotes
"This is insulting. Don’t they know how dangerous I am? I am very, very dangerous. I’m a killer. I’m a trained killing machine."
"What age are you? Thirteen? What kind of responsible adult sends a thirteen-year-old child to stop me?"
"I am turning murder into an art form. When I kill, I’m actually painting a big, big picture, using blood and, and … messiness."
"You wouldn’t understand. It’s grown-up stuff. I just want a little appreciation for who I am, that’s all."
"First of all, they’re not my masters. I don’t have a master."
"You little brat. You uppity, sneaky little brat. You don’t know who you’re messing with, do you?"
"So you’ve learned a valuable lesson – there will be times when I’m not there to catch you."
"Absolutely. I would never have tripped. I’m far too graceful."
"He talks a lot, but I don’t think he knows what all the words mean."
"Subtraction’s overrated. It’s like adding, only backwards. You’re not ever going to need it."
"The Baron wants you alive. Bear in mind, he did not specify unharmed. Do not try to hit me again."
"Detective," he murmured. "It’s been a while. Still evil?"
"It takes two nights for an Infected to become a vampire. Until then, they’re innocent victims."
"I said we don’t want to kill them. I didn’t say we won’t."
"I used a new mixture. The ingredients are a little harder to find, but for my favourite patients I like to make sure the healing process is as painless as possible."
"Decapitation is effective, but then decapitation is effective against most things."
"Congratulations," he said. "You’ve just reinstated a 300-year old neurosis. Our work here is done."
"People my own age don’t fight monsters, Tanith. If they did, I’d be hanging out with them a lot more."
"I’m not getting into this conversation again."
"Fine. Then get ready for a shock. Stephanie: the world isn’t what you think it is. There is magic here, real magic, and it is—"
"Power is power. Sorcerers have the power to run the world – the only reason we don’t is weakness of leadership."
"Breathe some more air; the lack of oxygen is making you delirious."
"I despise the Ancients as much as I despise the Faceless Ones, you know. If either race were to return, they would rule it all."
"Everyone has a breaking point, but we don’t have time."
"You wouldn’t want me to think you cheated after all."
"Please forgive me," Pleasant said, then aimed the gun at the girl and pulled the trigger.
"Why would I lie? I asked you to kill the child and you did. I keep my bargains."
"What, do you think I’m nuts? I’m staying here."
"I have been waiting for a reason to live again, to emerge from my dank and squalid cellar. I have a reason now."
"I wonder if you can get there before Vengeous," the Torment continued. "What do you think?"
"I pretended to be friends with her, but honestly, I just felt sorry for the poor girl. Not the brightest, you know?"
"What you are saying, skeleton, is blasphemous."
"And only a moron would bring a sword to a gunfight."
"I’m going to cut you into little tiny pieces."
"Always wanted a life in music," Skulduggery mumbled.
"You're such a goon," Valkyrie said, a grin forming.
"This is good," Sanguine said, clearly delighted. "This is good."
"No, really, run head first into the wall and knock yourself out."
"I can handle Mister Funnybones, don’t you worry about that."
"She hardly ever shut up. I pretended to be friends with her."
"You’re a direct descendant of the Ancients, ain’t you? What, you thought that little bit of information wouldn’t get around?"
"I was very sensible while I was eating the burger. Didn’t miss my mouth once."
"The important thing is that I can wear this gown and still maintain my dignity."
"You’re going to need all the strength you can muster, especially when Dusk catches up to you."
"We’re not all sitting around just waiting for something to happen!"
"Then do it, skeleton. Stop the Grotesquery. Do your job. And once you’re done, never set foot in here again."
"If I don’t go to the reunion, Mum’ll go mental."
"Look on the bright side. If the world ends, none of that will matter."
"Vampires aren’t scared of a crucifix, Finbar."
"I just remembered what it was like to be shot."
"Bravery, after all, isn’t the absence of fear. Bravery is the acknowledgement and the conquering of fear."
"I’m scared of being hurt and I’m scared of dying. But mostly I’m scared of letting down my parents."
"No more rules. No more serum. This time, there’ll be nothing to stop me tearing you limb from limb."
"Ignoring the pain in her lungs, Valkyrie brought her hands in close."
"We’re not retreating, we’re advancing in reverse."
"I’m too clever to die and you’re too pretty."
"I am pretty," Valkyrie said, managing a grin.
"You actually think this is finished? Li’l darlin’, it’s only just begun."
"All we have to do is be ready to open the door."
"They’re coming, Billy-Ray. Our gods are coming back."