
Morning, Noon & Night Quotes

Morning, Noon & Night by Sidney Sheldon

Morning, Noon & Night Quotes
"I had learned long ago to trust my instincts."
"A day without making a deal was a day wasted."
"They are pygmies, trying to fell a giant. They’re in for a big disappointment."
"It is refreshing to be with someone who knew nothing about him."
"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read."
"I believe that man was meant to enjoy the gustatory delights that have been put on the earth."
"He was a protean lover, passionate and skilled."
"When I took charge of the case, the first thing I did was to make certain that there was no foul play involved in Monsieur Stanford’s death."
"Completely satisfied. There is no question but that it was an unfortunate accident."
"I suggest if you try again tomorrow morning."
"It was the tourist season in Corsica, and the streets were crowded with visitors chatting away in French, Italian, German, and Japanese."
"In spite of his irritation, Steve found the island of Corsica enchanting."
"Well, Harry Stanford is causing a hell of a lot of trouble even in death, Steve thought."
"He had studied under Hector Barrantas, you know."
"When your opponent gets the ball, it’s legal to hook his mallet so he can’t score or pass."
"The ponies had to be fast, and have what players call polo sense, being able to anticipate their rider’s every move."
"By the end of the fifth chukker, Woody’s team was well ahead."
"I pushed myself too hard, he thought. _I wasn’t really ready to go back to the game yet. I’m not going to be able to keep this up."
"The first rule in polo is that when a player has possession of the ball and is heading toward the goal, it is illegal to cut across the line in which the player is traveling."
"_Do I hate him because of the way he treated my mother, or do I love him because he’s my father?"
"She’s Harry Stanford’s daughter. She’s entitled to his name, and his support."
"Julia Stanford grew into a beautiful young woman."
"She wanted to believe that during all those years he had been desperately searching for her mother."
"During the summers she worked as a clerk in a department store, behind the counter in a drugstore, and as a receptionist."
"We’ll stay there until the estate is settled."
"She’s too busy trying to run things in hell."
"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."
"There’s no need for you to stay any longer if you don’t wish to."
"I can’t believe Father isn’t going to be inside, waiting for us."
"We’re having a discussion about the will tomorrow, eh?"
"I’m not poor! My father is one of the richest men in the world."
"If it’s not impolite to hate the dead, I have to tell you something…"
"It’s one hundred percent accurate in determining if the man is not the father. If the test is positive, it’s ninety-nine point nine percent accurate."
"Under the law, if our father’s paternity is established, she would be entitled to an equal share with the rest of us."
"I don’t know how the bitch did it! But she isn’t going to get away with it!"
"This is not a police matter. It’s a private—"
"She must feel as though she’s just been through the Inquisition."
"I can’t believe I have a son who’s a faggot! Now that I know your dirty little secret, I’m going to keep a close eye on you, sister."
"Women can be damned expensive, can’t they? You’ll just have to handle it."
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
"Just shut up, you stupid bitch! I don’t want to hear another word. Do you understand?"
"He loves me, too. Believe me, he doesn’t always act like this."
"He’s all right for a while, and then…he starts again."
"When we were first married, he was so much fun to be with."
"Your share of the bill is fifty dollars and forty cents."
"I’m the chairman of the Wild Animal Protection Association."
"You’re the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, and you’d rather not talk about it?"
"No good deed, no matter how small, goes unpunished."
"I can't blame her for what happened to my mother. And I can't blame my brothers."
"I wish you could have met him, Julia. He was such a handsome boy."
"Am I going to enjoy it, or will it be a disaster?"
"I must not think that. They're going to love me, and I'm going to love them."
"The important thing is that you get off them."
"My mother and I shut Harry Stanford out of our lives."
"Now I can do something I've never done before."
"The only crime we can prove is that someone dug up a body—and we don’t even know who did that."
"That’s wonderful! I’d like to arrange immediate extradition to bring him…"
"The Russian gangs have a quaint custom. First they chop off your fingers, then they let you bleed, and then they shoot you."
"How the hell did an embalmed body get into the Charles River?"
"Are you going back to Kansas City? No, I’m not going back to Kansas."