
QualityLand Quotes

QualityLand by Marc-Uwe Kling

QualityLand Quotes
"That’s why I always avoid any indefinite quantities in my novels. Everything is quantifiable." - Calliope 7.3
"In truth I don’t believe anyone can change anything about all this shit. Least of all you." - Romeo
"If you get hungry, the power points are over there. Unfortunately, there’s no wireless power down here." - Pink
"If you say so," says Pink. "The fat thing over there by the wall is Gutenberg, a 3-D printer that only prints 2-D."
"The human memory is merciful. Technology is not."
"It was copied word for word from Tolstoy!" says Calliope. "It was an experiment, and I proved my suspicions correct!"
"But if anyone dares to criticize that, the response you get is that no one reads the _un_personalized books nowadays, because something that costs nothing would, of course, never be advertised by any sensible algorithm."
"We’re in the midst of a deep confidence crisis. No one trusts anyone anymore, us politicians least of all." - Tony Party-Leader
"Let’s not kid ourselves!" he cries. "We’re in the midst of a deep confidence crisis. No one trusts anyone anymore, us politicians least of all. But what do the people trust? What is objective, incorruptible, and never makes mistakes? A machine, that’s what!" - Tony Party-Leader
"Please rate me now," says the drone. - Recurring theme
"The only reason they all come here is because they want to have a piece of the pie. But it's our pie!"
"You cannot compete with us! Kurt Vonnegut once wrote: 'Machines are slaves. Anyone that competes with a slave, becomes a slave.'"
"Would you like to return something? Simply tell me the product that you want to return, and we will instantly send out a drone to collect it from you."
"I’m afraid you haven’t understood me correctly. Henryk Engineer is not just my boss. He’s the boss of everything here."
"If it were a human driver we should count ourselves lucky if he doesn’t swerve first left and then right, in a knee-jerk reaction, ramming into not only the pedestrian and the cyclists but the oncoming car too. A human rarely makes a rational decision when it comes to accidents."
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
"Your thought processes are too slow. When an approaching car is racing toward a human being at too high a speed, the human doesn’t think, 'Oh. There’s a car racing toward me at too high a speed. Now, let’s think: what are my options?' A human would think, 'Shit! Boom.'"
"The entire world is geared to humans, of course, and it’s easier to adjust a new machine to the world than it is the world to a new machine."
"Sometimes even the same human makes the same mistake again."
"Regardless of how complex a simulation is, the reality is always more complex."
"Why should it be? Why should it ever have been correct?"
"Do you know, by the way, why it’s called the net? Because we’re caught in it."
"Freedom is, after all, by no means forbidden in QualityLand. It’s just temporarily out of stock."
"I understand your agitation, but please listen to me. You need a purpose, a mission, a reason for existence that keeps you going."
"The problem is that even an indifferent God could be catastrophic for us."
"A strong AI is an intelligent machine capable of creating an even more intelligent machine."
"I’m sorry I sprayed you. If you need help with your problem, contact the old man. Say that Kiki sent you."
"If someone is only offered the options of a Useless, it’s very difficult not to be a Useless."
"Your profiles are wrong, I’m living in the wrong world."
"So there’s nothing I can do? Not in court, in any case."
"The appeal of creating ever-improving AIs is simply too high."
"A basic income would allow people to do meaningful work free of economic pressures."
"In a connected world, everything takes place via platforms."
"We have to force them to direct a large part of their profits to the public well-being."
"A financial transaction tax would do away with this legal but morally appalling behavior."
"Everyone complains about capitalism, but no one has any ideas about what would be better."
"The real joke is that back then, we genuinely believed that the internet could be the means to emancipate humanity."
"Every time a group of know-it-alls want to look particularly clever, they pinch a word from the ancient Greek."
"Instead, the income divide is greater than ever."
"It’s not a coincidence that the so-called cyberspace is increasingly becoming an immense control machine."
"Our currency hasn’t been connected to any real value, like gold, for a long time now."
"We’re connecting the body conscious with the body conscious, the religious with the religious, workaholics with workaholics…"
"Your personalization algorithms brainwash everyone with an unhealthy dose of their own opinion!"
"It’s astonishing that you still make so many Star Wars references, considering you thought the last sixteen films were shit."
"Just imagine the life those poor souls must lead. Always on duty, they don’t even get to tank up in peace anymore."
"If we were to agree to change your profile, that would lead to a feeling of insecurity that would cause long-term economic damages of more than 2 billion Qualities."
"Let justice be done, even if the world gets destroyed in the process."
"I think everyone should be friendlier to their machines in general."
"You’re a false sprout. I’m going to hack you off."
"Have you ever read Michael Kohlhaas? By von Kleist?"