
Nevernight Quotes

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

Nevernight Quotes
"Five thousand fathoms deep. Pulling you in to laugh even as he drowned you."
"They’d drifted apart like dancers before the music stopped, vibration still thrumming along their strings."
"His eyes roamed the cobbles ahead, bleary with drink."
"The room had been small, sparse, all she could afford."
"She wasn’t sure she wanted him to see her in this."
"Her last nevernight in this city. A part of her still didn’t want to say goodbye."
"The hangman pulled his lever, and the floor fell away."
"Never flinch. Never fear. And never, ever forget."
"You’ll be a rumor. A whisper. The thought that wakes the bastards of this world sweating in the nevernight."
"‘I just wanted to know what it was like,’ she finally said. ‘In case I die.’"
"He sighed as he drank from the cup, fumbling with cufflinks on ruffled sleeves, all thumbs and sweat and shakes."
"He gasped, starting like a newborn colt as she walked into the red sunslight, a harlequin’s smile in place of her own."
"I’m not talking about your mother you fucki―"
"Fear not, Don Tric. I won’t let it go to my head."
"Your mind will serve you better than any trinket under the suns. It is a weapon, Mia. And like any weapon, you need practice to be any good at wielding it."
"If memory serves, Familia Corvere was involved in some trouble a few truedarks back. Something about kingmaking?"
"The truth is, there’s no difference between your nethers and mine. Why should what’s between my legs be considered any smarter or stupider, any worse or better? It’s all just meat, Don Tric. In the end, it’s all just food for worms."
"I am Mia Corvere," she breathed. "I am Mia Corvere."
"The Mother knows their names. No other matters."
"A traitor’s just a patriot on the wrong side of winning."
"The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach."
"I always wondered about that. Ribcage seems much quicker to me."
"You can’t smoke in a bloody library. What if the books catch fire?"
"Sometimes weakness is a weapon. If you're smart enough to use it."
"Hold nothing. Know nothing. Be nothing. Because then you can do anything."
"But if she were to find the truth of herself, it seemed she’d have to find it alone."
"The blood grew directionless again, washing in small frothing waves."
"Of all the pubs in Godsgrave, what are the fucking odds?"
"She might have noticed all this before it was too late. But then it was too late."
"You are here to become a mortal instrument of the Lady of Blessed Murder."
"If she weren’t so intent on spotting large groups of men in gleaming white armor waving burning swords, she might have noticed a slender figure dressed all in mortar gray, picking up her trail as she entered the harbor district."
"You’ve obviously not spent enough time with librarians, Don Tric."
"It’s a ‘why.’ Wonderful thing about a library like this. Any book that ever was or wasn’t written is going to be in here eventually. Trouble is finding the bloody things."
"The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us."
"You’re a daughter of words. A girl with a story to tell."
"Beauty you’re born with, but brains you earn."
"Deserve has no truck with death. She takes us all. Wicked and just alike."
"This is the strength that topples kings. Ends empires. Even breaks the sky."
"You hold it safe, you hear me? You picture yourself standing on that fucking bastard's grave. Spitting on the earth that cradles him."
"What good do [the divinities] do us? They give us one thing. Life. Miserable and shitty. And after that? They take. Your prayers. Your years."
"Don't trouble yourself about what that bitch said. That's not who you are anymore."
"What you look like doesn’t change who you are inside. They can give you a new face, but they can’t give you a new heart."
"I prayed to the Lady of Oceans that she'd bring me a beast worthy of a man. And she answered."
"I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me."
"He walked toward the bed, feet soundless on the stone. Moving like a wolf, head lowered and breathing her in."
"She watched the light play on his lips as he swallowed, the deep troughs at his throat, the strong, flawless line of his jaw."
"With a crash, her eyes closed, her mouth finding his as if she’d always known the way."
"His fingers wrapped in her hair. Her nails clawing his skin."
"His mouth crushed to hers, tasting the whiskey on his tongue."
"She wasn’t sure who moved first. Her or him."
"She pushed him onto his back, lifted herself up on all fours."
"She looked into his eyes, knowing he stood right at the edge, begging her to let him fall."
"She lay there for an age. Pressed against his skin, cheek to his chest."
"Listening to his heart against his ribs, feeling the warm glow recede, a smile on her lips."
"The Hall of Truths smelled different that morn. Among the rot and fresh flowers."
"The Revered Mother fixed her in a cool blue stare."
"But do you think her fool enough to murder a girl she openly threatened in front of a room full of people a few eves before?"
"I recall Acolyte Tric here threatening to murder another novice over evemeal not so long ago."
"The song of the ghostly choir hung in the air with the ironshod stink of blood."
"I would counsel you to watch your tone when you speak to your betters, girl."
"You will be the thirty-seventh if you dare speak to me so again!"
"But finally, ever so slowly she sank down, down, looking deep into his eyes, pain and pleasure all entwined, breath strangled in her lungs, unable even to gasp."
"But for the first time since forever, the nightmares never arrived."
"Mia touched his cheek and he opened his eyes, realizing at last where he was and sitting bolt upright with a soft hiss."
"The shadows in the room swaying and rolling in the aftermath."
"The dresser doors were flung open, her stool upturned."
"Books had toppled from their shelves, strewn spread-eagled and dog-eared across the floor."
"He slipped his hand between them, down between her legs."
"Limp and breathless, they collapsed in a sweating heap upon the bed."
"You have one friend inside these walls, not Carlotta, not Tric or Ashlinn, and not me."
"For your name, and your glory, and your justice, I march. Shine upon me."
"You’re presuming you’re going to make it back to your room at all, little girl."
"This isn’t a bloody nursery. We're would-be assassins, Tric."
"Sometimes I wonder what you’re doing in a place like this, Mia."
"If I could see his eyes, would I see disappointment in them too?"
"Speaker, it’s Mia. I’m going to untie you now. Your sister is alive and well. Whatever you might see, I need you to not murder anyone for a minute or two, agreed?"
"Let me go," Mia croaked. "I just saved your life. Your sister’s life. We’re on the same damn side. And we need Osrik alive to find out what’s going on upstairs."
"You’ve got one chance to live and that’s by telling me what I want to know, understood?"
"Hear me, Niah. Hear me, Mother. This flesh your feast. This blood your wine. This life, this end, my gift to you. Hold him close."