
Touching Spirit Bear Quotes

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

Touching Spirit Bear Quotes
"Sometimes you have to give more than lip service to the idea of change, but what chance does he have to prove anything if he’s locked up?" - Garvey
"If you kill my cat, you need to become more sensitive to animals. You and I need to be friends, and I need to forgive you to get over my anger. That’s Circle Justice." - Garvey
"Everyone thought he felt sorry for what he had done, and going to this island was his way of making things right. Nothing could be further from the truth."
"Justice should heal, not punish. If you kill my cat, you need to become more sensitive to animals." - Garvey
"Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself. Remember that." - Edwin
"You aren’t the only creature here. You’re part of a much bigger circle. Learn your place or you’ll have a rough time." - Edwin
"I don’t know how life gets so mixed up." - Garvey
"If you don’t want change, this will never work." - Garvey
"I’m tired of being around someone who blames the world for all his problems." - Garvey
"I think the world isn’t always a fair place. The sooner you get that through your thick skull, the sooner you can get on with your life." - Garvey
"Justice often fails because it seeks to punish, not to heal. Jails and fines harden people." - The Keeper
"Circle Justice is for those ready for healing. It’s not an easy way out. In fact, a healing path is often much harder." - The Keeper
"Until Peter forgives you, he won’t heal." - Garvey
"We must respect the feather. This symbolizes respect for others and respect for ourselves." - The Keeper
"You go to jail angry, you stay angry. Go with love, that’s how you come back." - Garvey
"You have bigger problems than getting out of this place." - Garvey
"We call this Circle Justice, but we really seek wellness. We try to meet the needs of both the offender and the victim." - The Keeper
"Terrified, Cole waited, his eyes prying at the darkness."
"When the next bolt of lightning lit the bay, Cole searched frantically."
"Cole lay frozen by fear. A sobering power had attacked the earth."
"Never in his life had he felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so helpless."
"He had no control. To this storm, he was as insignificant as a leaf."
"Suddenly a prickling sensation, as if ants were swarming over him, covered his whole body."
"Cole understood this cycle. Beside him a tree had died."
"He wanted to live. In death there was no control, no anger, no one to blame, no choices, no nothing."
"Life was empty and meaningless unless he found some meaning."
"The world was beautiful! Even the wet moss and crushed grass near his hand was beautiful."
"He had provided for himself and could feel his body absorbing the food he had eaten."
"Cole’s pain dulled as the medication took effect."
"All of life is a hot dog. Make of it what you will."
"He struggled to recall what had happened but couldn’t."
"He felt content. Before the end of life he had seen beauty."
"Cole envied the dead sparrows. He had never really known any home."
"Maybe it was a vision or maybe just a thought."
"Until your mind is clear and you have a choice between anger and happiness."
"Your life isn’t an accident. Many generations of your ancestors struggled through life, learning lessons, making mistakes, just as you have."
"That’s the first intelligent question I’ve heard you ask all morning."
"Apologize to yourself. It’s your life you’re betraying. Not ours."
"Nobody does. We all search for answers, the same as you."
"I don’t. Nobody does. We all search for answers, the same as you."
"We’re not going to pretend this is anything it isn’t."
"Being angry is giving someone else control of my feelings so they own me. Forgiving gives me control again."