
You Know You Love Me Quotes

You Know You Love Me by Cecily von Ziegesar

You Know You Love Me Quotes
"You’re still my little girl, even though you wear leather pants and have a hunky boyfriend."
"Oh, I didn’t come for you, darling. I came here to show off." "Don’t I look great?"
"Thanks, Daddy," she said. "Thanks for coming all this way just to visit me."
"Me too," Blair said, closing her menu without really looking at it. "Steak."
"Where else would I go?" she said, as if Yale University were the only college on the planet.
"Nate’s going to Yale with me," she told her father. Then she turned and strode confidently through the restaurant.
"Savor the words," she repeated, the corners of her mouth curving up into a smile.
"Do you hate me?" "No," Blair said into the comforter.
"Autumn weddings are always so lovely. I think this is quite exciting."
"She didn’t have to try to shine: she shined brighter than the rest of them already."
"Yes, she was definitely heading up to Brown next weekend, even if it was a long shot. She might get lucky. She usually did."
"Freak," Jenny Humphrey whispered to her reflection."
"I know you went out with Serena last night," Jenny said, crossing her arms impatiently.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Not Blair—at least not today."
"Don't worry, Bunny," Cyrus said, as if he were talking to a two-year-old.
"When I cut myself shaving, I think of your teeth on my lip, and the pain becomes pleasure."
"Here's my recipe for senior stress management: Mix one gorgeous boy with a nice new pair of leather boots, a new cashmere sweater, a long night out, and several drinks."
"You’re such a stud. Okay. See you soon," Serena said and clicked off.
"When I was little I used to cover my eyes and think no one could see me if I couldn’t see them."
"When you’re younger, everything is pretty simple like that, you know? Then the older you get, the more complicated things are."
"It felt nice just to lie there beside Nate, breathing the same air that he was breathing."
"She couldn’t believe how quickly life could change. How could she have known when she’d woken up that morning that today was the day she’d fall in love?"
"It’s just like living in an apartment, except there are stairs."
"Maybe you could come up to Maine and I could teach you."
"What does Blair think about your new little girlfriend?"
"You don't think it's too Little Bo Peep?" Blair’s mother asked. She twirled around on the raised platform in Saks Fifth Avenue’s bridal department, the skirt of the white satin-and-lace wedding dress fanning out around her feet.
"It’s okay: we’re teenagers. We’re supposed to hate our parents every once in a while."
"The way to any girl’s heart is to tell her she looks tiny. Girls kill to be tiny."
"Life sucks and then you die. Maybe that was what Sartre had really been trying to say in No Exit."
"I’m very organized (chuckle). My friends think I’m kind of anal. I’m ambitious. I can’t stand the idea of being just average at anything."
"If Dan told Vanessa he’d marry her if she grew her hair out, wore bright colors, and got some exercise, Vanessa would do it."
"I want the best. I am the best. And I deserve the best."
"You know, there are a billion other good schools to go to."
"It’s pretty artsy. You kind of have to see it to know what I mean."
"If this guy wasn’t interested in her for whatever reason, then fuck him."
"You might have to grow your hair out a little, but it could happen."
"I kissed him. The interviewer. I kissed him on the cheek before I left."
"The city is going to suck if you’re not here," he told her earnestly. "You can’t go."
"I love you," she murmured, closing her delicate eyelids.
"No way," Jenny gasped, half terrified and half thrilled to death.
"But you still love me, right?" Dan said, watching her intently.
"Don't tell me. You got a Brazilian wax, too, right?"
"Let's watch a movie and then go out to a club or something."
"Admit it: you’re already falling for me."