
Beautiful Redemption Quotes

Beautiful Redemption by Kami Garcia

Beautiful Redemption Quotes
"Other people had flying dreams. I had falling nightmares."
"It shouldn’t have happened. It wasn’t how his life was supposed to be."
"Life without Ethan was something worse than a nightmare. It was real."
"Nightmares end. That’s how you know they’re nightmares."
"I guess the sky in real life isn’t actually perfect. Maybe that’s what makes it so perfect."
"I had an open mind, at least by Gatlin’s standards."
"You have to remember, Amma and the Greats have powers that I know nothing about."
"You can’t keep things from happening to me, Mom. Not even these things. Not even messed-up things."
"I don’t care about the universe and the realm and saving the world, not anymore. Not without Ethan."
"Life was like that, and even death, I guess."
"What’s all that racket? We’re tryin’ ta watch Jeopardy!"
"I most certainly do. He can dance himself a mean jive."
"You’re the one who thinks Elvis Presley is still alive."
"I’m tired of seeing everything. It was easier back when I didn’t know anything. I barely even knew I was alive."
"There are lots of things we choose not to see. Doesn’t mean they aren’t there, even if we wish they weren’t."
"Everyone pays the Ferryman sooner or later. Can’t change that."
"Why do you think I don’t make many trips across?"
"The things that are the most valuable are often the ones you don’t even know exist."
"I have never used the book myself. My debts are too steep to risk owing anything more."
"There is always Order. Now more than ever, the New Order must be carefully maintained."
"Libro what? Book of Moons? What does that mean?"
"But don’t be an idiot. If she’s gone too Dark, she’s too Dark. You can’t change Ridley. That’s one thing we’ve all learned the hard way."
"I’m sorry, Rid. I was so angry with you for not coming back when Ethan—now that Ethan—"
"Whatever. More water under another watery bridge."
"At this rate, I’m gonna have nowhere to go but college, or somewhere even worse."
"Maybe I’m just not as brave as you are, Lena."
"Let’s blow this place before Abraham comes back, or you’ll be stuck in here with me for the next two hundred years."
"One of these days, I guess I’ll figure out that one for myself."
"laws of physics, laws of love, of time and space and the (in)between place"
"What’re you laughin’ about, Wesley Lincoln? You’re knee deep in more trouble than the day I caught you in my basement when you were nine years old."
"Next time, try protectin’ me a little less and my boy a little more. If there is a next time."
"I could never leave you, Ethan Wate. I’ll always be watchin’. Make me proud."
"And everyone said I couldn’t change the cards…."
"That’s how I felt now. Trapped on the wrong side of the sky."
"You might not start out a hero, and you might not even come back that way. But you change, which is the same as everything changing."
"The journey changes you, whether or not you know it, and whether or not you want it to."
"What we had went so much deeper than a kiss."
"There were some things more powerful than worlds or universes."
"The poems are all wrong. It’s a bang, a really big bang. Not a whimper."
"Anybody who’s ever been in love can tell you that."
"It’s what she would have wanted. One last time."
"The right thing and the easy thing are never the same."
"But I have something to tell you. Something you should probably know about the girl you love."
"It was family, all of it and all of them—the good parts and the bad."
"Amma was home. Amma was with me. And Amma was gone."