

THE LIES WE TOLD by Diane Chamberlain

"Every single one of the fifteen women in my book club had children except for me."
"Being a doctor set me apart from most of them to begin with."
"I thought of walking home very slowly, but my feet were glued to the road."
"People could be trusted to pay for their muffins. What a wonderful world!"
"I’m as brokenhearted as you are. But I want to take care of you today."
"I could see myself as a stay-at-home mom like so many of my neighbors, my life filled easily and completely with the needs of my children."
"You need a wild streak to do this work, babe."
"You’re pushing forty and you’re not my prisoner. I can’t really see you and Brent as husband and wife."
"This is between you and me, Maya, honey. It’ll be our secret."
"I know how to hide my flaws. Rebecca hated my wimpiness, and I’d learned early to erect a brave facade."
"You two are solid, Maya. All couples have their ups and downs."
"This is a phase. You'll get through it, honey. You can't rush it."
"She’d been right in the line of fire. Who could go through something like that and remain unchanged?"
"It’s not as big because it’s not spending enough time over the water to gain strength, but it’s still a four, and the area just can’t handle another drop of rain."
"I hope there’s enough of a break between the storms that people can leave."
"The only woman I know who can manage two dozen patients at one time, make a jetload of supplies appear overnight and still find time to sleep with the best-looking dude on the site."
"The trees around Dorothea’s house were far smaller than ours."
"You like your luxuries, but we ain’t never had any so we don’t miss ’em. They just tie you down, anyway."
"It must be all over the news about Maya. Everybody’s calling."
"I was afeared for a second you done met the reaper, way you was sittin’ there, dead to the world."
"It’s a miracle you landed where you did or you wouldn’t be here."
"Loving too much could only set you up for hurt."
"Beauty in belonging to a place. To calling that place home."
"You’ll feel differently when the baby comes and he looks up at you for the first time."
"I was certain I’d been an unhappy kid. Grieving, lonely and filled with unbearable regret."
"There’s beauty in belonging somewhere, Miss Maya. Can you see that? Beauty in belonging to a place. To calling that place home."
"I’m sorry you’re stuck here where you don’t want to be, and I’m sorry your ol’ man’s probly worried sick about you, but you’ll be able to get out of Last Shelter when we can all get out of Last Shelter."
"It’s like Tully said. You ain’t goin’ nowhere till this creek goes down."
"You can never get enough of somebody you love. It’s like…I wish I had been with her every single day. Every minute of every day."
"Sometimes cracks in an eggshell just mean that a new chick is trying to be born."
"I need to be able to see the baby’s position. Then I can reassure you that what happened to your mother won’t happen to you."
"I was always away someplace without cell coverage."
"He probly already left Lady Alice’s by now and is out huntin’."
"How far away was he? The sound of the rifle could have been three yards from me or three miles. Either way, he was too close."
"Then the thing I’d been hoping would not happen, happened: the baby began to cry."
"For a moment, his crying stopped and I felt the connection between us, the thread that ran from his eyes to my heart."
"I was terrified, but I also knew that I was the one with the boat. The one with the power."
"We’re safe," I said, and I wasn’t sure if I was talking to the baby or myself.
"You need to come with me!" I said. "Don’t speak. Trust me, Simmee. Hurry."
"Simmee was curled in a fetal position... she looked up, startled, when I raced into the room with the basket."
"I never would have guessed that things weren’t…right between the two of you," I said, as we waited in the boat.
"I had a yen for Jackson from the time I was little."
"We waited, and when she opened her eyes again, they were dry but full of anger."
"They fell quiet again, Adam going over the speed limit now that they were traveling on a well-paved highway."
"There were joys and sorrows that couldn’t be measured."
"I’m the only one who knows what she really needs."
"But I would have given my body and my…my heart a rest from that struggle long ago if I weren’t trying so hard to hold on to you."