
Bruiser Quotes

Bruiser by Neal Shusterman

Bruiser Quotes
"If he touches her, I swear I’m going to rip out his guts with my bare hands and send them to his next of kin for lunch."
"Just because I’m an athlete doesn’t mean I don’t have brains."
"Mom doesn’t cook anymore. She does nothing much motherly or wifely anymore since Dad did some unmentionables during his midlife crisis."
"As your older brother, it’s my sacred duty to save you from yourself."
"The only time those roles reverse is after a lacrosse game, when you can’t shut me up."
"My great-grandfather, that’s who I was named after."
"Our parents never spanked us. They come from the brave new world of time-out and positive reinforcement."
"I never considered myself a bully. I never considered myself a snob. But then, who does?"
"I’m not entirely void of common sense, thank you very much."
"Sometimes I feel things very deeply, y’know?"
"It’s a condition, that’s all—just a condition. I bruise easily, and I’ve got thin skin."
"In horse racing they put these slats on either side of the horse’s head, blocking the creature’s peripheral vision. They’re called blinders."
"I’m not going to be so stupidly sentimental as to say we were suddenly in love or anything, but something did happen that day."
"No one expects nuclear fission within the loving bonds of one’s own family."
"Once a bomb begins to fall the deed is done. All you can do is watch helplessly, waiting for the blinding flash."
"Life is all about revenge. Getting back at the other guy at all costs."
"You don’t get a reputation as the resident creepy dude for nothing."
"It must be a basic human drive. Misery loves company, right?"
"We all had a great time that night; and although Brew was mostly quiet, he was accepted in a way he’d never been before."
"I like your friends," Brew told me as he left. "I didn’t think I would, but I like them. A lot."
"Grandparents everywhere talk about how they walked five miles to school each day in the snow, barefoot, and chased by wolves; but it’s not like that anymore."
"What I mean to say is I don’t care, because my uncle has cut my soul from my body, leaving bitterness behind; a stretch-lipped grimace of futility."
"What could be worse than his uncle? Only Brewster knew the real answer to that."
"I’ll never understand how a man can live his life with his finger on the self-destruct button."
"I’ll discuss it with your mother, and we’ll make a joint decision."
"The future can hold many things when it comes to our father’s sleeping arrangements."
"Take it outside," the manager says, "or I call the cops!"
"If we lose one more game, we won’t even qualify for league finals."
"I’m convinced there’ll be bulletproof glass and armed guards between our conversations."
"I won’t believe it unless I hear it from your mouth—did the Bruiser actually move in with you?"
"I’ve always considered myself so strong, so willful; but here is the truth: I don’t even have the strength of will to steal back my own misery."
"What you don’t know can’t hurt you. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth."
"I understand lemmings now. It takes only two to form a crowd."
"If your heart tells you something but your mind tells you something else, which do you believe?"
"Happiness is a vector. It’s movement. Joy can only be defined by the speed at which you’re moving away from pain."
"If I’m finally swimming, why can’t I breathe? Take it away, boy. This is your purpose."
"It’s amazing the things you can hold on to when you’re determined to keep them."
"Everyone must feel their own pain—and as awful as that is, it’s also wonderful."
"Open your eyes, and talk to us. We’ll keep our pain, but I promise we’ll share our joy."