
The Girl In The Clockwork Collar Quotes

The Girl In The Clockwork Collar by Kady Cross

The Girl In The Clockwork Collar Quotes
"Why don’t you come out here and see how beautiful New York City is at night?"
"I’m not leaving you here. I’ll fix this. Trust me."
"Sometimes a fella has to live up to expectations."
"If someone tried to kill you, wouldn’t you fight back?"
"I’m not sure whether I should commend your intelligence or put a bullet in your brainpan."
"You just shut your mouth. I am not letting you do this alone."
"In my experience people only want to talk to me when they think I can be useful to them."
"Really, it was a wonder he didn’t leave a trail of swooning women in his wake."
"You're not the only one who can take charge of a situation."
"You ever try to talk her out of something once she’s made up her mind?"
"Never before had anyone inspired such turbulence within him."
"I’ll do everything I can to help you, but I’ve been wrong before."
"I got a driver, but he’d rather see me dead than do me a favor."
"When I left the piece with Wildcat, she told me if I ever came back she’d ‘beat the snot out of me.’"
"I have to, New York. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here."
"That’s the worst apology I’ve ever heard. Break a girl’s heart and can’t even say you’re sorry?"
"Keep on with this kind of behavior, and you won’t be so pretty anymore."
"It’s her, isn’t it? The reason why he wanted the crate? It’s got to do with Mei Xing?"
"Trouble seems to follow that girl, whether she invites it or not."
"Just because he hurt me doesn’t mean I want to see someone else hurt him."
"You didn’t think I’d actually die and leave you without anyone to boss you around?"
"Ever have a feeling that someone’s bad news—even though you’ve never met them?"
"Take care. And if he gets into trouble, come get me."
"It’s her, isn’t it? The reason why he wanted the crate?"
"Ever have a feeling that someone’s bad news?"
"So rather than brood on how weak he was, it was time to make himself as strong as possible."
"From the moment they’d met, he’d felt as though she completed the puzzle that was his life."
"Did neither of them have any concept of mortality or respect for their own safety and lives?"
"What he wanted to do was storm into that house, punch Dalton in the nose, throw Finley over his shoulder and take her back to the hotel, where she belonged."
"I hope Griffin realizes how lucky he is to have you."
"No wonder Griffin fancied her so much—she truly was a remarkably useful girl."
"You are not a mistake. Don’t you ever think of yourself that way. You’re exactly as you ought to be."
"Love’s like being barking mad. Makes a body do the damnedest things."
"Griff, my friend, if you don’t stop pacing and fretting ..."
"Don’t think I won’t kill her. Should I prove it by putting one in her leg first?"
"We’ll get him. If not for Finley, he would have shot you, too."
"I hope you don’t mind. All my clean clothes are at Dalton’s."
"You could bring your entire family with you, and I’d still have room. We’d be glad to have you."
"Finley, you could shop every day for the next ten years and not even come close to breaking me. Please, buy yourself whatever you need. I trust you."
"I am very pleased that you deigned to allow me to study you, Your Grace. I expect to learn many wonderful things from you."
"I call it my Aetheric Mortality Disambiguation Suit."
"Inviting death was never the intelligent choice, no matter how bloody smart you were."
"You are most certainly the most intelligent female I have ever met."
"Am I the only one who thinks this is quite possibly insane?"
"If he also has the controller or has made one, he could leave the device anywhere within range and simply activate the controller in the direction of whatever he wished to move through."
"The fool was more concerned about his waistcoat than he was about anything else."
"I don’t know about you, but I’m delighted to see the backside of Miss Astor-Prynn."