
Trial By Fire Quotes

Trial By Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Trial By Fire Quotes
"You can’t save everyone, Bryn. You do what you can, when you can. You try. But sometimes, at the end of the day, you just have to take care of yourself."
"I can’t live like that. Not anymore. It’s— I just can’t do it."
"If you send this boy back, his alpha will kill him."
"Unless you force me to act, I won’t turn you over until I have to."
"If you lay a hand on Maddy, if you hurt her or any of mine in any way, I’ll kill you myself."
"Callum said you might have some questions, and that since my son is now in your pack, if I wanted to answer them for Devon’s sake, that decision was up to me."
"If Devon got bitten, he’d heal in a matter of moments. If I got bitten, I might never heal, and if I got bitten badly enough, I’d end up either dead or Changed—and neither one of those was a future I would particularly relish."
"I'm not the only one with a vested interest in his whereabouts."
"In a fight, Lake could take him, but she might not be able to get to him before he got to me."
"Sometimes that meant being the bad guy to keep order within the pack."
"Being alpha never meant throwing someone out like he was garbage."
"You breathe a word of this to Devon or Chase, and I will kill you."
"I’d die before going back to those people, and I’d kill myself before going back to Shay."
"We belonged at home, not out in the open where a threat could waltz up to us at lunchtime and calmly issue ultimatums we weren’t at liberty to respond to."
"Nothing is going to happen to me. Because no matter what, the three of you would never let anything happen to me."
"You’re a fighter. No control. No forethought. Things go red around the edges, and you start cutting people down."
"If we take Valerie out, does everyone else go back to normal?"
"Werewolves are animals. God made me a hunter. You do the math."
"People with your particular gift tend to be a bit more … feral about things."
"I know what’s at stake here, know it better than you, so if you’ve got questions, ask them, but don’t play with me, Bryn."
"You flashed back to a memory of the werewolf who raised you, and the marks he left on your body were suddenly larger than life."
"I don’t miss. You can either take my word for it, or you can start running."
"If you were really human, if there was any humanity left in you, then you would understand."
"The only thing that kept me from snapping his neck was a single sentence, issued from somewhere behind me."
"You’re a curious little thing, but I don’t need to be in your head to win this fight—or any other."
"I knew not to take my eyes off the woman in front of me, but I couldn’t keep dread from forcing my gaze to the right, where what was left of my pack was facing off against the rest of the coven."
"He felt that way about other things, too. He would have gone to Shay’s pack to protect Lake."
"For years, she’d been the only eligible female of the species in our entire world."
"You’re going to be okay, Devon. You’re going to be fine."
"Your little friends are certainly keeping us busy, aren’t they?"
"But at the end of the day, Bryn, if I had to choose between you and the pack, I would choose you—every single time, no questions asked."
"If Shay won, if he took Lake, nothing would be okay."
"This isn’t war, I said softly, unsure if I was talking to Callum or myself. It’s a hit."
"Werewolves healed quickly. Short of silver poisoning or being literally torn to pieces, they bounced back with minimal scars."
"You’re mine, and you’re theirs, and all that we are is yours."
"Every morning, I woke up and I saw the person who’d killed Lucas staring back at me in the mirror."
"Being Resilient means having the ability to shake off pack-bonds."