
When Sparks Fly Quotes

When Sparks Fly by Helena Hunting

When Sparks Fly Quotes
"My current state of mind hovers between fascination and disbelief."
"As a child I wanted a hobbyhorse. As a very young child."
"This is supposed to be about team building and sharing something you’re passionate about."
"I feel a little bad about leaving my sisters with all of those apparently high-strung hobbyhorsers tomorrow night."
"I nearly choke on a cough at the photo of London with the glittery masterpiece."
"Whoa! Whoa! Gentlemen! Time-out. That’s not very sportsmanlike conduct!"
"It feels a lot like I can’t breathe. What does all of this mean?"
"My mind feels like it’s spinning out of control."
"She’ll come home with me. I’ll take care of Avery."
"His guilt feels like another body in the room."
"I spend a week in the hospital. Seven days has never felt so long."
"Bruises fade and broken bones heal. I’m lucky to be alive."
"The guy in the white truck is the reason I’m in this state."
"I hate this! I hate being dependent on someone else to take care of my basic needs."
"I made a really shitty mistake, and I wish I could take it back."
"It’s like an espresso shot, wakes me right up."
"I don’t want her to be embarrassed or angry, so I steel my resolve and head down the hall, prepared to face her—with her coffee in hand, of course."
"Unless you have the sudden magical ability to make me spontaneously orgasm, I don’t know that there is anything you can actually do."
"If you’d gone without an orgasm for weeks, would chocolate be a reasonable substitute for you?"
"I should keep touching you?" I drag my lips along her skin, biting gently when I reach the base of her neck, tasting her skin for the first time."
"You’re not going to become part of the couch, Ave. I promise none of us would let that happen."
"Turtles aren’t the only important species out there. People matter too!"
"I feel like my butt has magnets in it and wants to stay on this couch."
"They’re adorable but gross. You’re not gross, though. You’re the opposite of gross."
"I think I might need to go to bed. My head is still so heavy, but light, like a lead balloon."
"Not a colicky baby, one of those babies that sleeps through the night."
"I think I’m too tired for full service tonight, which is too bad, ’cause I was really looking forward to it."
"I thought they might have some zucchini in them or something."
"What the hell did you do last night that would make it unclear when you’re recovering from broken freaking limbs?"
"I really wanted another orgasm tonight, but I’m so tired. I think I’d probably fall asleep on you and that would be embarrassing."
"People change. He’s invested in making it work."
"I’ve moved on with my life, and so have you. The past is in the past. Let’s leave it there."
"A leopard never changes its spots, and your father has proven that time and time again."
"This is the longest you’ve ever been with anyone."
"You can’t help who you fall in love with, Sam, or when it happens."
"That night feels like a million years ago. What a waste of time and effort that date was."
"I don’t know if I’m capable of giving her what she needs long-term."
"I can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust me and who will actively sabotage our relationship the moment he feels threatened."
"I am in love with you, Declan, which is unfortunate for me, it seems."
"I’ve watched you do it countless times, and you’re doing it again. Sleeping with one of your coworkers to get back at me for something I didn’t do isn’t going to make things better."
"I knew it wouldn’t be easy, and I’m very sorry that I hurt you by talking to Sam without telling you first, but shutting me out like this isn’t going to help."
"The hardest part, Declan, is knowing how capable you are of being loyal and faithful, but you seem to need to prove the opposite to yourself to keep you safe from being hurt."
"I want to be with you. I can’t promise it’s going to be easy and I’m probably going to make a lot of mistakes along the way, but if you’re willing to be patient with me, I will try my best not to be a jealous asshole."
"This time I can fall in love completely and know my heart is safe with him."