
Pride Quotes

Pride by Rachel Vincent

Pride Quotes
"The accused was considered guilty until proven innocent. And the burden of proof was on the defendant—me."
"Watching him die was one of the most difficult things I’d ever endured."
"I'm not quite ready to give in to murderous rage."
"My stubborn sense of self-preservation insisted on the former."
"I didn’t mean to kill him, and I certainly wasn’t trying to cover anything up."
"If I hadn’t insisted on doing things my own way, Andrew would still be alive."
"I knew by the firm line of his mouth that he was every bit as irritated as I was."
"I can’t say for sure what I want for dinner tonight, so how can you possibly expect me to know whether or not I’m going to want kids five years from now?"
"One day he would retire, and that would break my heart."
"But one day further down, he would die, and that would crush my soul."
"I flinched as Andrew’s face came into focus in my head."
"Fear wasn’t quite as good as respect—but I’d take it."
"In spite of his position as head of the council, my father hadn’t been allowed to serve on the tribunal overseeing my trial."
"I was determined not to cry in front of him again."
"They think you’re guilty, and they’re now debating your sentence."
"My father the Alpha—head of the Territorial Council for as long as I could remember—was on his knees on a dusty, rented cabin floor."
"I’d do exactly what he wanted. No questions asked."
"My father’s proud smile faded into a deep scowl."
"I’d caved in his skull. Ripped flesh and fur from bone."
"You might say that. We were at school, on our lunch break."
"Our group had reserved the whole Oak Trails cabin complex for an entire week."
"It was either kill or be killed, and my stubborn sense of self-preservation insisted on the former."
"What good is a dead captive? She can’t breathe!"
"She was trying to run. I was getting ready to Shift—so I could go fight the stray—and she took off for the front door."
"If she was trying to get away… why would she kill the stray? Why not just run?"
"You think a girl on two feet could outrun a tom on four?"
"What about the stray? Wasn’t Faythe trying to save Brett Malone from a stray in cat form?"
"The wounds in your abdomen are a bit more serious, but at a glance they don’t seem to have ruptured any organs."
"But this one’s for real. In light of your recent interest in nontraditional weapons, your dad thinks you may be ready for a real one."
"No, you’re not. You’re brave. And sometimes, bravery looks a lot like recklessness."
"I’m assuming this cop didn’t fall on his own gun?"
"Let me go!" My arm flew along with my last word, and my fist slammed into the side of his skull before the cry had faded from my mouth.
"What do you…?" Damn it, yes-or-no questions, Faythe. "Do you live in these woods? On this mountain?"
"The ends justified the means, Greg, and she believes that just as much as I do."
"You’re causing yourself more pain than necessary."
"It’s not safe for a girl to be on her own in the woods at night."
"We need to know she’s useful to them—to all of us—as something other than a dam."
"I thought it was cruel of me to refuse to marry him, and I thought it was cruel of him to make me choose between marrying him and losing him completely."
"Sometimes it was hard for me to reconcile the angry fists clenched at his sides with the gentle hands that touched me."
"You’re doing great. Seriously. The next step is to push it forward, instead of pulling it back."
"Life isn’t safe, Daddy. Not for your little girl, and certainly not for one of your enforcers."
"Knowing the right thing to do is easy. Doing it when you know there will be consequences is not."
"You think this is a joke? Because I can guarantee you the Alphas are taking it seriously."
"Yes, I disobeyed a direct order in going in to see the tabby alone. So I guess technically, I am guilty of insubordination."
"What were you thinking, disobeying a direct order?"
"I did what I had to do. Now you have to do the same."
"She’s a child. She doesn’t know anything about your rules and forums."
"One more word and I’ll have you escorted out of the lodge."
"I let her go in. I’m not arguing otherwise, so let’s get this over with."
"You don't want me to stand against the council. You want a magic wand, so you can walk around smacking people with it until everything's just the way you like it. But guess what, Faythe? Life doesn't work like that."
"I'm not going to let you walk away from this. From me."
"Marc was the highest-ranking tom there, which made it his call. And he made a good one, which you'd know if you'd listen to what Kaci told me."
"They’re trying to handpick Daddy’s replacement. They think they can pair Kaci with the tom of their choosing and cut us right out of our own territory!"
"That’s so wrong! My hearing has nothing to do with you! He can’t make Daddy choose."
"Calvin’s been in his room on the phone all morning, and he was on for nearly two hours yesterday, with music playing the whole time. He’s up to something."
"Faythe actually helped both us and the tabby."
"You will not tell me how to run my Pride, nor will you dictate whom I include among its numbers."
"If you want to change the system, you’re going to have to do it from the inside."
"We were both quiet for a while after that, as she stared at the busy floral bedsheet, aimlessly tracing a cotton calla lily."
"I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t remember much of it anyway."
"That makes it sound like no one wants me. Like a stray dog."
"You smell good," he purred, his expression taking on a new hunger without losing the eerie wrongness setting off every inner alarm I had.
"What’s up?" I glanced at my watch. I still had forty minutes.
"So, how come I’m like you if my parents aren’t?"
"I don’t want to hear people talking through the walls."
"I exhaled in relief when the tension left his voice."
"Thank you, Mr. Keller, but we don’t have time right now."
"Kaci?" "Is that the kitten’s name? Come on up, child, and let me get a look at you."
"She’s a little shy," I said, running one hand over the thick length of her hair.
"I imagine she doesn’t hold any fondness for me, either."
"Come on up and take a look around, and we’ll see if we can’t get you headed off in the right direction."
"I know I’ve been here, though. I’ve smelled…all this before."
"Venison." "There’s plenty more, if you’re hungry."
"Go to bed. The least you can do is show up rested."
"I’m sorry. I left without waking you up because I wasn’t sure you’d let me go if you had the chance to stop me."
"Marc isn’t dead, Faythe. No matter how bad things look right now, none of this is irreparable."