
Black Water Quotes

Black Water by D.J. MacHale

Black Water Quotes
"This isn’t about being afraid, or being confused about Traveler stuff or even about finding Saint Dane."
"But everything will be fine if you stay with me."
"It's not about any one of us. When we fail, we fail together."
"This territory is crazy. Quigs are humans. Cats talk and live in trees because they might get eaten by big lizards."
"If I went to Second Earth, I’m sure I’d feel the same way."
"We don’t let gars walk around on their own inside the city."
"Everything I saw was very much like I had seen on my way to Leeandra, but multiplied a few hundred times."
"We use crystals to collect and store energy from the light in the sky. It’s very simple, really."
"What a sight! Like I wrote before, it was a city built in the air."
"I tried another tack. 'What makes those trains run? I mean, I doubt if you have little birds inside running on a treadmill like the Flintstones.'"
"Amazing. This walking, talking jungle cat was telling me that this society of animals had figured out a way to collect enough solar energy to power their city."
"He’s not supposed to mix things from the territories."
"I saw that my wooden weapon was still on the flat rock where I left it—beyond my reach."
"We are not barbarians. Edict Forty-six is what separates klees from the beasts of the jungle."
"I’ll tell you what I know, gar. My father was a visionary who helped build cities. Now he’s become a silly old klee spinning fantasy stories of time-traveling animals battling an evil gar."
"You want to see danger? Come on a forage. I’d like to see you stand up to a rampaging tang."
"If it’s all a fantasy, how do you explain me?"
"You’re a freak. When we find my father, I’ll prove it to him."
"You eat meat, right? Depends. On what? On if you’re going to cook it or not."
"This gar cost me a dear friend. I’m going to make sure I get some value in return."
"I am not an animal. You don’t own me and you sure as heck can’t sell me."
"What I do is for him. Not you. Not Yorn or Boon or some misguided mission."
"They want to know where Black Water is."
"What you see here is the truth, and if Saint Dane finds it, Eelong will be lost."
"It's a frightening thing, being declared food."
"The way it was told to me, Halla is everything. Every time, every place, every person and creature that ever existed. It all still exists."
"Evolution took a different path in Black Water."
"Surprises keep you young, and right now, I feel like a child."
"I'm not sure why, but I was willing to risk my life and the lives of those around me to protect Halla from Saint Dane."
"It’s a strange oasis tucked into the mountains of nowhere."
"The time for pussyfooting around was over, no pun intended."
"The gars have figured out a way to grow plants in air."
"It’s all about this material they invented. They call it ‘Virloam.’"
"If the food problem goes away, then the klees won’t have to overturn Edict Forty-six and start hunting gars."
"The gars call it The Advent. They plan on bringing every single gar on Eelong here."
"This is the first broadcast station on Eelong. Basically, it’s a powerful transmitter."
"The gars have the technology to save Eelong, but they’re only going to use it to help the other gars!"
"We’re not waiting for his next move. We’re taking the fight to him."
"If we’re throwing away the rules, we’re throwing them all away."
"I believe the gars of Black Water will share their knowledge and help feed all of Eelong."
"If Saint Dane takes control, there will be no more order."
"Is it gonna end here? If it does, it won’t be because we didn’t give ’em a go."
"You’re kidding? You want us to climb over this mountain?"
"It’s more beautiful than Pendragon described it."
"I suppose I should have offered to take the tank."
"For the gars to begin helping the klees, they needed a show of good faith. A symbol. Without it, they would leave the klees to starve."
"You must once again become viceroy of Leeandra. You have proven to be the lone voice of reason. That voice must be heard again."
"The link radio would prove to be an invaluable tool to coordinate forages and track the movement of tangs, so the danger of surprise attacks would be diminished."
"Using virloam for farming would guarantee enough food to meet the needs of a growing territory."
"We explored the town, marveling at the incredible city built in the trees."
"We can't go back to that now that we've had a taste of the action!"
"Eelong is safe. I believe that. But still, I've got this horrible feeling that I've missed something."
"This was my father's favorite place. He often slept here. He used to say that from up here he felt like he could reach out and hold Leeandra in his hands."
"The territory is safe. But I don’t think Saint Dane cares one way or the other."
"Saint Dane’s goal wasn’t to destroy Eelong, it was about forcing us to change the way things were meant to be."
"My problem is, I’m afraid I won’t know what I should do when faced with this kind of decision again. Do I allow an entire race to be wiped out in order to play by the rules?"
"We’re the good guys, but how moral is it to allow people to die, no matter what the reason?"
"Be well, my friends. Try to go back to living your normal lives, though I’m not sure what normal is anymore."