
A Grimm Warning Quotes

A Grimm Warning by Chris Colfer

A Grimm Warning Quotes
"Every wish granted by the magic from a fairy’s wand inspires a dozen more that will be achieved by the magic within people themselves." - The Fairy Godmother
"To know someone’s deepest desires is to risk knowing them more than they want to be known." - The Fairy Godmother
"We should do what we can, and not torture ourselves over the things we can’t." - The Fairy Godmother
"Sometimes I don’t know if I should be a fairy. Don’t get me wrong: I love magic and I love helping people. But there are days when I feel like I’m just screwing everything up." - Alex
"You can’t help anyone if you don’t know how to help yourself first." - The Fairy Godmother
"The fact is, you need my help whether you want it or not, and that’s why I’m here! So swallow your pride, step back, and get out of my way because I’m not leaving until this fence is built!" - Alex
"Arthur C. Clarke said that magic is just science we don’t understand yet." - Bree
"You’re only one person. No matter how hard you try, you can’t help everyone." - The Fairy Godmother
"It’s unfair and unrealistic to expect yourself to solve every problem in the world." - The Fairy Godmother
"Being part of the council means I’m automatically part of the Happily Ever After Assembly—which means having to give my input on so many decisions—which means so many people and creatures will look up to me for guidance." - Alex
"We hate your bark and your branches and your leaves that twist and turn! One day they will chop you into firewood and you will forever burn!"
"The purer the heart, the easier it was to scar, and Alex’s heart was as pure as they came."
"I wouldn’t know what the proper attire was for a fugitive wedding in the woods."
"If you spend your whole life worrying about getting hurt, then you aren’t really living."
"We elected a queen before, we can elect a queen again."
"Men must always think they’re inferior to you, otherwise they don’t leave you any room to train them."
"Everyone is getting ready for the big Fairy Inaugural Ball coming up."
"You only have a first love once. What’s the worst that could happen?"
"If I’m not prepared enough going into it, I might be scarred for life!"
"I’ve discovered if I sing to the crops, they grow much healthier."
"Once she was sure that every farmhand had left, Little Bo hurried down the steps of the porch and headed straight to the barn. She pulled open the heavy red doors and shut them behind her."
"She had never been so thankful to be perceived as just a stupid kid."
"Mother Goose’s eyes darted left and right, and small beads of sweat appeared on her forehead."
"Good luck, kid—oh and one more thing, do you still have that poker chip I gave you?"
""I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to run from you," he said. "I just really wanted to see you again."
""But even when she was subjected to a rude and unwelcoming home, Alex was able to keep a calm and elegant demeanor."
"The butterflies on the inside and outside of Alex fluttered intensely."
"The air was filled with bubbles of all sizes and some transported the tiniest fairies from one corner of the kingdom to another."
"Her vanity and all the horrible things she did to Snow White were in one way or another just attempts to save the little of him that was left."
""Are you there, my love?" she whispered softly."
"Think about what might be in these vaults—think about who might be in these vaults!" - Bree
"It dawned on Conner that what most people found frightening, Bree found intriguing."
"Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing for the right reason." - Conner
"You can only learn so much in a classroom." - Little Bo Peep
"Don’t worry, Emmerich," Bree said. "We have to check something out now, and if it works, it’s going to be much cooler than anything secret agents could show you."
"I ran away on my own adventure when I was your age." - Pearl
"You’re so much cooler than my real German grandma." - Bree
"So far we’ve run away from our principal, kidnapped an old lady, lied to a concierge, and tricked an innocent German boy into believing we’re secret agents." - Bree
"I would say this is amazing but that would be an understatement." - Conner
"I know my way around it and how it operates. You have a very impressive army, but that won’t be enough to take over."
"You have two minutes of my time. Explain yourself."
"The past is divided into three ages: the Dragon Age, the Age of Magic, and the Golden Age, which we’re living in now."
"No one has been able to overthrow the fairies because you need a dragon—and I know where to get one!"
"Everyone should have the right to individuality."
"People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones."
"I thought I could take care of the situation myself and was too embarrassed to involve anyone else."
"An army from the Otherworld has been trapped in a portal for two hundred years."
"We need to see this army first, so we know for sure what we’re up against."
"There’s no use in blaming anyone for what has happened—we need to move forward to find a way to fix it."
"Every time there’s a crisis it’s usually Alex and me who figure out what to do."
"The phrase is ‘People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.’"
"I promised myself I would never let her down again, so in the 1800s when I was careless enough to get caught by those greedy French fries, I tried to handle the situation the best way I could so I would never have to see disappointment in those eyes again."
"All the creatures in the other kingdoms have been waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the fairies and the humans. This could be their chance."
"The first thing I need to do is get the kings and queens to the Fairy Palace as quickly as possible so they can join in the conversation."
"It only took me a few months to realize I wasn’t cut out for the job."
"I knew very well what it was like to constantly disappoint people."
"You lot certainly don’t handle the cold very well."
"She’s been in that cell for a long time, haven’t you?"
"I was weak without you, Butterboy, and my heart strayed. I couldn’t bear the thought of being alone forever so I gave my heart to someone else."
"The last thing I heard them talk about was an attack on Pinocchio Prison."
"The Fairy Godmother is very sick and her magic is fading."
"Courage is something no one can take away from you."
"The best thing you can do is to promise me you'll take care of yourselves."
"It’s not what I’m going to do, it’s what we’re going to do."
"You’re just as capable as me—you just have to believe it!"
"We may not be able to stop your Armée from taking our kingdom today, but you will be stopped. You will not win this war—this world will not let you!"
"We’ve trusted her since the beginning; we can’t start doubting her now."
"The taller you stand, the less weight you'll feel. Don’t ever let anything break your spirit."
"We did it, Conner! We brought the armies here!"
"Even during war, my safety is your biggest concern."
"Even though we just barely survived an execution and war is all around us, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world." - Jack
"You two look way too happy to be in the middle of a war right now." - Conner
"Besides jumping out of our skin with fear, we’re fine." - Emmerich
"The echoes of gunfire were replaced with the clashing of swords—the real fight had begun."
"Do we have to—or is it just the right thing to do?" - Red
"Every time you wave a wand, or cast a spell, or use an enchantment, I’ll be watching from afar with enough pride to light the sky." - The Fairy Godmother
"Once a bird builds a nest, it doesn’t mean its wings are clipped." - Goldilocks
"But just because a bird builds a nest doesn’t mean its wings are clipped." - Goldilocks
"You are not going to let one stupid boy who needs a haircut change who you are, do you understand me?" - Conner