
Saving Max Quotes

Saving Max by Antoinette van Heugten

Saving Max Quotes
"I have billed thirty-two-hundred hours this year and believe I have shown sufficient drive and commitment to become a partner in this firm."
"As you know, Max is terrified that he may be like the other patients in the unit, and Jonas is, sad to say, the very worst example for him to see every day."
"Max’s response has been to act out or retaliate, although lately it seems that he has just withdrawn further into himself, cinching thicker and tighter coils around his heart."
"I'm afraid that Max seems to be dissociating. His behavior today—while not suicidal—has been highly erratic and disturbing."
"I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about."
"Despite her sweet expression, Georgia has the quick mind of a tough lawyer."
"If you are incessantly derided, you cannot risk further social laceration."
"He’s a teenager, she tells herself. Even as the hopeful thought flits across her mind, she knows she is lying to herself."
"There’s no question that they’ll jerk his license. He’s finished."
"It is all suddenly unbearable—her relinquishment of Max to this place; his terrifying displays of violence; the unspoken presumption that her insistence that she remain here with her own child is injurious to his treatment."
"I don’t care who fucked up—and that’s the only word for it—but it’s my boy in there."
"These things take time, which is why we don’t like to meet with parents before we can give a true assessment."
"What is really wrong with Max? Is it possible that because he’s been stripped of the old medications, this 'psychotic' behavior—whatever it is—is the true Max coming out?"
"The sky is a cobalt paint stroke, a piercing, hypnotic blue."
"You can’t be telling me that I don’t know my own child."
"I’m not sure how any of this is going to turn out, but I want you to know that I’m going to do the very best I can."
"Max didn’t kill anyone, Tony. Please believe me."
"But you have to know that our night together was real, that it was…true."
"I don’t lie, Mr. Doaks. And my son is not a murderer."
"Well, that and a dime won't buy me this cup of coffee."
"You didn’t see or hear anything at all before that? Do you remember how you wound up in Jonas’s room?"
"I can’t, sweetheart. They’ve got a restraining order against me."
"She can’t stop crying. She can’t bear it—any of it."
"You never know what Smythe may have by the time he writes up his final report."
"But whether or not the decedent was improperly medicated has nothing to do with how he was murdered."
"That means we’ve got fourteen days to find a killer."
"No, I don’t think you’re psychotic, Max. I think they’re wrong."
"You’re just hell-bent on making my life miserable, ain’t you?"
"Don’t get your hopes up, Danielle. They’ll find it. They always do."
"The diagnosis of a tiny infant is a fluid, beautiful thing, but elusive."
"Children will talk. Of course, you can introduce foreign bacteria, rat droppings, or fungus, and achieve a fairly satisfactory result."
"The key to success is to achieve the proper level of distress, but avoid strangulation."
"Every doctor with a competent nurse lets them write prescriptions onto a signed pad."
"Because anyone can sue anyone for anything. This is America."
"I had to call a computer company in just to figure out how to run my own office."
"I live in fear that I may have committed diagnostic and treatment errors that rise to the level of medical malpractice."
"All babies are quite sweet in the beginning—at least right after they’re born. But after all the oohs and aahs, you’re left alone with ugly little monkey face."
"Honestly, how many times can you go through the same exercise—with your child turning blue—and not expect to arouse suspicion?"
"It is, of course, very difficult to be masterful in these matters after a youngster reaches a certain age."
"For better or worse, I have a very strong moral code."
"Being a mother has been the greatest honor and blessing of my life."
"What kind of life will Jonas have when I’m gone?"
"I have to give up any soft, motherly notions and get down to brass tacks."
"I will permit you to follow this line of questioning." - Judge Hempstead
"It's too late for Jonas, but I know now—without a shadow of a doubt—that Max didn’t fall far from his mother’s tree." - Marianne
"You are now officially in contempt of this court." - Judge Hempstead
"I have never had any psychological problems." - Marianne
"I made sure that Kevin, Ashley and Raymond left this world when they needed to." - Diary Entry
"No one will ever realize how truly brilliant I am, because disclosure of that simple fact would ruin everything." - Diary Entry
"Who wants to believe that a mother could purposely sicken her child or even kill him?" - Dr. Reyes-Moreno
"She is no mother. She is a consummate liar, a blackmailer, a cheat and a murderer—" - Danielle