
Most Eligible Billionaire Quotes

Most Eligible Billionaire by Annika Martin

Most Eligible Billionaire Quotes
"I know that when you’re hated, you sometimes act like you don’t care as a survival method."
"I know, too, how being hated can build on itself, how sometimes you do things to make people hate you more because it’s better in a certain perverse way."
"I can’t believe he wouldn’t visit her, even now. It’s the ultimate dick move. Your mother is dying alone, jackass!"
"I remember them well. Smuckers would attract people with his insane fluff-ball cuteness, but as the hapless victim drew near Bernadette would say something insulting."
"It’s strange how a long life can be reduced to a darkened hospice room, a stranger scrolling Instagram, and a little white dog."
"I never expected anything from her. I took Smuckers out of kindness."
"Keep your cookies," I say. "And keep your money, too. Smuckers and I are not for sale."
"I’m at a loss for what to say, or rather, what Smuckers might say."
"When everyone collaborates at the front, Smuckers, projects run shorter, with fewer surprises."
"I'm sorry, I can see why you’d be mad after being bullied and tricked."
"Being hated, it's like a burn. It keeps hurting long after."
"I want buildings that aren't a one-sided conversation. Buildings should never feel like walls."
"I forgot what it was like to kiss somebody because it felt like the only thing in the world worth doing."
"So a rich, entitled asshole who thinks he can get his way all the time gets his way?"
"It’s dangerous. How far would he have gone? Seducing me out of sheer duty?"
"Nobody has a nose for hypocrisy quite like a teen."
"I have to at least tell him. He’s in misery."
"Making a commitment is a promise. If you’re good for your word, saying you’ll do a thing is like doing a thing."
"You think I’m that stupid or just that desperate?"
"I know what you’re doing. And just…I want you to understand that you don’t have to do it."
"A box," she teases, turning the box that was inside.
"This is all Henry—this vision. The passion of it. The way he knew."
"I should’ve trusted you. Let me fight for us."
"The emergency meeting?" Her face goes pale. "You don’t know?"
"He’s talking about it. How they’re going to decontaminate the site. His vision for the walking bridge. Residences along the water."
"He spots me through the crowd, settles his gaze on me, and I feel warm all the way through."
"I’m starting to feel lightheaded; this is exactly how it was when everyone hated me. So much anger. 'This is bad,' I whisper."
"I have needed this," he breathes, "so damn long."
"I’m tired of responsibilities," he says. "Let’s forget them for a while. Be two people without any of it."
"I’m glad," he says. "That was unbelievable. I wanted to do everything to you."
"You think I’m not man enough to carry a flowered dog carrier that looks like a purse, you haven’t been paying attention, baby."
"You have to add the cheese to the sauce so slowly," he says, adding a microscopic amount of cheese to the pound of melted butter and heavy cream he’s been stirring slowly and methodically.
"She gives me this look like she doesn’t give a crap. She’s so past giving a crap."
"Does the leader of the company have anything to say? You want to know? Well, how about it, Smuckers?"
"If only I owned a strange machine with a propeller on the top of it that could fly right over cars and buildings. Oh, wait, I do."
"It feels good, like I’ve busted out of some sort of shell. Or maybe like I’m home."
""Thank you," he says. "She knew how to have fun, how to make you feel like the only person in the world."
"I think I’m man enough to knit a tea cozy," I say.
"I love to feel you come inside me. I love how your body feels."
"That has to be the last joke you make about that."
""What’s wrong?" He follows the direction of my gaze, and a look of horror comes over him."
"This isn’t you," I say. "You fight for things."
"I don’t want you to go," I say. "Brett is going."
"I love you, Henry." And the stars in the night sky seem to brighten behind him.