
Pack Darling: Part Two Quotes

Pack Darling: Part Two by Lola Rock

Pack Darling: Part Two Quotes
"Screw destiny, fate, and all things meant-to-be."
"You can’t leave an omega alone after a heat."
"I understand the threat. I’ve always understood what happens to omegas."
"I need alphas. That doesn’t mean I have to mate."
"Hope my scent sticks in their noses forever."
"Every word confirmed the lies I’d built like a glass castle."
"Attacked by three, bit one in self-defense, and was punished with no food for 48 hours. Six years old."
"Broke a window with a baseball bat becomes broke out of the classroom she was locked into overnight."
"But I didn’t split them into two people for no reason."
"Need to know why I am this way, why I hurt her, and whether I deserve death by injection or something much, much more painful."
"I need to run so fast my demons can’t follow."
"Because I may be weak. Useless. A wretched fucking monster. But I can at least be the monster who protects her."
"It’s not like you could’ve claimed me. I shouldn’t have gone upstairs."
"I'll eat every slice of humble pie with a side of crow pudding."
"I haven’t crossed paths with my father since shit went down."
"I'm halfway across the parking lot when I spot the man leaning against my door, spotlighted under a pole light."
"I resign." The words taste like ash but they're right.
"I want to crawl inside them just as much as I want to jump out the window."
"Feels like I ripped a Band-Aid that was connected to my spine."
"I'm not being grounded. I'm being set on fire."
"I'm going to lick you 'til your voice gives out, fill you with my fingers."
"I'm so tired of doing spreadsheets without a keyboard."
"My heart speeds, and I can't help but smirk."
"I have to walk away from Scorpio’s vision of the future and finally fucking start claiming mine."
"I wonder if this is what it’s like for Finn all the time."
"When the hell did they become best murder buddies?"
"Everyone who’s been hurt deserves to be believed."
"Who knew you could be a VIP with the police?"
"I think I just walked myself into his snare."
"The grocery store, coffee shop, spa, and even playgrounds where kids run and parents cluster together, laughing. So happy. It’s like the childhood you wish you had."
"I’m dizzy with rescues and gifts and perfect cave homes that make me start thinking I can keep things that’ll never be mine."
"I’ll take it, but I ink the moment onto my things-to-change-about-the-world list."
"If I’d come alone, I’d probably still be standing at the front desk trying to explain my story to another authority figure who won’t listen to the truth."
"I’m tooling around, playing house while the clock ticks on my heat. Stupid."
"I wish Atlas and Jett were here, because this is how things need to be run. When I’m stuffed thanks to three table-mates who keep refilling my plate, they continue the tour, taking me down past the gloriously huge pool to the weight and training gyms."
"He stills, maybe surprised I’m talking to him."
"I’m toast, but even more baked—a fucking biscotti."
"I’ll turn those bitches into people leather."
"I’m afraid this is all so fucking temporary."
"I can handle it. You have more important things to take care of."
"I’m the only one who hears Orion’s soft mutter."
"I’m not sure if he’s popping my cherry or my heart."
"I can feel that tingle at the back of my neck."
"Just have to ignore the whisper growing inside from the same cursed place that has me watching Jett’s shirt tighten across his toned back every time he lifts a box."
"Just have to ignore the more and more undeniable reality."
"I’m starting to wish those marks were permanent."
"I’m running out of time, and I can’t keep running."
"You can have anything. Take all the time you need."
"I’d rather die believing they’re on the way."
"I want to see what else they’ll do to prove we belong."
"I’d rather trust than spend my last moments crying."
"Vanilla ice cream teases my nose, sharpening to burnt sugar so warped with anxiety that my heart wants to vomit out my throat."
"The mingled scents of stale sex, roses, and snake scales."
"Maybe I’m fucking crazy, but there’s this needy tug and… 'I think I can find her.'"
"We’ll find her and snuggle her and spend the rest of our lives apologizing for letting her be hurt."
"When the Wyverns are bad, they’re the worst, but when they’re good… Holy fuck are they good."
"And I drowned a drug lord, but who ever earned a crown without some blood?"
"Always thought I knew exactly what I wanted, but somewhere, my wants shifted."
"I’m tired of being the girl who gets left. Now I’m going to be the girl who gets loved."
"Because I’m safe. I’m protected. And I’m about to be fucking worshipped."