
Three Things About Elsie Quotes

Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon

Three Things About Elsie Quotes
"Everyone’s life has a secret, something they never talk about. Everyone has words they keep to themselves. It’s what you do with your secret that really matters."
"I wonder if I’ve already reached the end of the story. I wonder if my forever is now."
"There’s a special kind of silence when you live alone. It hangs around, waiting for you to find it."
"Sometimes, you feel a memory before you see it. Even though your eyes can’t quite find it, you can smell it and taste it."
"If you’re not in charge of the inside of your own head, what are you in charge of?"
"Sometimes, you have so much fear, you don’t know where to put it and shouting is the only way for it all to escape from you."
"You always think a secret will only be a secret for so long, that one day you will turn to someone else and say, ‘I’ve never told anyone this ...'"
"Perhaps the closing words of my chapter will be spoken in a room filled with beige and forgetfulness."
"You never really know it’s the final page, do you, until you get there?"
"If you lock something away for long enough, eventually it feels as though it never really happened in the first place."
"Because it somehow feels as though everyone is connected to everyone else, even though they perhaps don’t realize it."
"We shouldn’t be so quick to throw things away. There’s always a use for something if you look hard enough."
"Sometimes life takes you along a path you only intended to glance down on your way to somewhere else."
"If you continue to misuse the telephone, Florence, we’re going to have to take it away."
"I don’t think Florence even likes herself most of the time."
"Sometimes, a name is the only thing we can leave behind."
"She’s always been the same. She says my mouth runs away with me, and before anyone realizes, I’ve said everything there is to say."
"We collect [toxins] as we travel through life."
"My words fell into a silence, and in the silence, I could hear my own breathing."
"It's funny, because you can put up with all manner of nonsense in your life, all sorts of sadness, and you manage to keep everything on board and march through it, then someone is kind to you and it's the kindness that makes you cry."
"You always think 'one day', don’t you, and then you realize you’ve reached the point when you’ve run out of them."
"It’s the greatest advantage of reminiscing. The past can be exactly how you wanted it to be the first time around."
"Once you’d realized how everything was connected, though, you couldn’t help yourself seeing it."
"I realized I’d run right out of arguing, and so I just kept my eyes on the watch instead."
"Sometimes, you needed something tangible, something you could hold in your hand, to prove to yourself that your existence wasn’t a complete waste of time."
"I thought I might be able to reach some of that nonsense under the sideboard."
"But lying here, choosing the cast to play out the end of my story, I’m not sure even Miss Ambrose would really understand."
"The dark shrinks your common sense, doesn't it?"
"Small decisions. It's always the small decisions that change a life."
"Perhaps it's only in the silence that you're able to hear just how loud your own worrying is."
"We’d all like to think so, but most of us won’t even leave a footprint."
"It was a relief when Friday finally came around. I knew I’d still be worrying, but at least I could worry with a different view."
"People were displaced. They felt untethered, I suppose."
"Being questioned by the police is the most exciting thing that’s happened in years."
"Everything makes sense in my head, it’s only when I let it go that it gets in a muddle."
"Whenever you’re worried or frightened, they’ll leave something for you, to show you that you’re not alone."
"I wonder if they’d give her diazepam and schedule an outpatient’s appointment?"
"Everyone can dance. Everyone. You just need to find the right song."
"Sometimes, you need to sing and dance. Even if you are eighty-four."
"We all are. Every one of us is damaged. We need the faults, the breaks, the fracture lines."
"You need to believe in something without looking for proof."
"Sometimes you need to run away from a familiar life, into something quite unfamiliar."
"The hardest part of losing anyone is that you still have to live with the same scenery."
"Sometimes, even if you don't have the right words, it's better to use the ones you've already got, rather than say nothing at all."
"The most important moments of all turn out to be the ones we walk through without thinking."
"There is so very much more to us than the worst thing we have ever done."
"Perhaps the most important moment is not the moment of the mistake itself, but the moment in which you finally forgive yourself for making it."
"It's strange, isn't it? How love paper-aeroplanes where it pleases."