
One Last Time Quotes

One Last Time by Corinne Michaels

One Last Time Quotes
"It's like Groundhog Day with us. The same fight, over and over, with nothing ever reconciling."
"I’m so damn tired of being the reason for everything wrong in his life, of feeling small."
"Our relationship is a series of battles, all of which I’ve lost."
"He’s such an asshole. He thinks he’s neglected? Unreal."
"I’m over having my heart trampled for nothing."
"I can’t do this anymore. I can’t spend every night with us at each other’s throats. It’s too hard."
"I’m tired of being tired. I’m over having my heart trampled for nothing."
"I’ve been there every step of the way for my mother and father. They are the kind of parents who should’ve had twenty kids instead of only me."
"It’s not rash. It’s been a long time coming, and honestly... I should’ve left years ago."
"For the first time, I saw it from an outsider’s eyes. And I didn’t like a damn thing about it."
"It wasn’t until Nicole made a comment about a year ago that I finally took notice of how wrong things really were."
"This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Some days, I’m not sure I’ll survive, but I haven’t died yet."
"No, I’m the walking definition of a hot mess."
"I’m sorry, Kris," my mother says. "It’s Scott who needs to apologize... not you."
"Being in my home without them is weird, and I keep listening for Aubrey’s sweet laughter or Finn yelling at the video game."
"I want you to know how much admiration I have for you."
"I’m trying to be fair and get this over with! I want to be divorced already! I want my life back—without his voice in my head."
"I’ve never done anything questionable. I loved him even when he made me feel small."
"No. She cuts him off. There will be no extension. If you actually had a shred of evidence, you would have presented it."
"This isn’t fair to Noah, though. He deserves to be happy with someone who can give him more."
"I’m not sure what it means because he’s supposed to be staying here for a few weeks anyway, so it makes sense he’d rent a place."
"I don’t know if you’ll be what tethers me, but right now, I know that I want to find out."
"I like her touching me. I like everything about her."
"I’m scared, but yes, I would like to see whatever this is between us."
"I’m not sure I could survive being mediocre to him."
"I promise you that, if you give this a chance, I will treat you like you should’ve been treated all along."
"I can’t promise anything just like you can’t, but I’d like to meet them."
"I want to see the mistrust disappear from your eyes, and I’ll only be able to do that with time."
"If you want to stay here, know that you’ll be naked beneath me."
"He doesn’t hate you. He’s mad, and boys say stupid shit when they’re upset."
"I told you before that I’m not going anywhere."
"My feelings for you are unlike anything I've felt before. I've never told anyone this, at least not anyone in a very, very long time."
"You make it impossible to think of anything but being with you."
"You’re what I want. You are everything that I want."
"I love you, and I know it’s too soon, but it’s how I feel. I don’t need you to say—"
"I would’ve died if it meant I could have saved her, but I couldn’t."
"You’ve given me more in a few months than I got in my lifetime."
"I hate every part of this, but there’s no other explanation I can find."
"I would give anything to see you just one last time, but I know you don’t want to see me."
"No matter what, I love her and I don’t want this. Find another way."
"My girlfriend kind of sold me out, I fucked her entire life up by saving my own ass, and I drank enough to forget. I’m clearly not on my game."
"Funny thing about love, it makes you a fool who can’t purposely put the other person in pain."
"I would rather spend the rest of my life miserable than see her suffer for a single second."
"Please, let this be real. Please, let this be true."
"You can’t come here saying you love me when it was so easy for you to leave."
"I’m doing the best I can not to flip the fuck out."
"I promised you’d come for me. You didn’t even call."
"I love you with every piece of me, and I won’t doubt you."
"I didn’t know if I’d ever get to kiss you again."
"I love you more than I knew I could love another man."