
Fast Women Quotes

Fast Women by Jennifer Crusie

Fast Women Quotes
"Meeting Gabriel McKenna just meant she'd arrived."
"It wasn't like that," he said, looking wounded. "I didn't want to hurt you."
"Don't take it personally, it didn't have anything to do with you."
"Well, don't take this personally, either, sweetie."
"I think it would be interesting to work for a detective agency."
"I'm also forty-two and unemployed," she thought.
"I love you," Gabe said. "If you weren't such a fucking wacko, I'd still be married to you."
"I'm going to be drinking it here for the next six weeks anyway."
"I have to eat," she thought. "I have to get some weight back on."
"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of."
"I'll see you on Monday," he said into the phone.
"It's a detective agency," Suze said. "I thought that would be exciting."
"Don't think twice. If you need help moving, I'm there."
"I've just realized that you are a completely worthless human being," Nell said, picking up another Icicle.
"That's true, and right now I'm feeling a little angry."
"Although actually, if I was following my heart, I'd bury one of these suckers in your spleen."
"You lied because you're a cheating—cowardly—spineless—slimy—son of a bitch who didn't want to take the responsibility for wrecking his marriage."
"You are such a loser," Nell said, holding the last Icicle.
"But it wasn't about you," Tim said earnestly. "I just fell in love. It had nothing to do with you."
"I don't care," Gabe said. "You represent my office."
"You couldn't fix your life if you didn't know what was wrong with it."
"People should know when they were being lied to, it was wrong that they didn't know."
"You're not talking, you're thinking, and when you think, my life goes to hell."
"Becca comes from a small town where everybody knows everybody else," Gabe said. "She now lives in a big town and works in a big university with a huge transient population. Nobody knows anybody. So she hires us to do the work that her mother and grandmother would do back home."
"That's not dumb," Nell said. "No, but this time she didn't want us to investigate. This time it was the real thing. Stop hogging the pork."
"I think you're great," Suze said. "What do they taste like?" "Take one," Margie urged, and Suze said, "God, no. Don't you have any broken pieces?"
"I'm happy," Nell said, trying not to look at him. His tie was loosened and his shirtsleeves were rolled up and his hair looked rumpled, and he looked like an unmade bed. A really inviting, really hot unmade bed.
"This is what I need," Suze said. "You talking dirty to me at the Sycamore."
"Not always," Riley said. "There's always somebody to kiss on New Year's Eve."
"I am not sleeping with my boss," Nell said. "And he's not sleeping with me. It's against policy."
"Who's the guy who looks like Gabe? His dad?" Suze said. "Yes." Nell pulled out another picture. "Here's Gabe and his dad together."
"I am now in golddigger mode. I will let you do unspeakable things to me on this couch, right now, but you have to buy me."
"Thank you," Gabe said. "Anything I can do to show my appreciation?"
"You gave Margie the pin and the ring," Gabe said half an hour later when he had the jewelry spread out on Trevor's dining room table.
"There's a lot you could learn from your father," Trevor said gravely. "He was never judgmental."
"I'm not sulking. I want some time alone to think about things."
"You always did listen to Nell before you'd listen to me," Jack said.
"If I don't pass my finals, I won't graduate," Jase said. "And if I don't graduate, I won't find a job. And if I don't have a job, I can't get married, and I'll lose the woman I love."
"I tried to kill him," Margie said, staring stricken at her soy milk.
"It is impossible for women in our age group to have enough calcium."
"That shattering sound you just heard was our illusions."
"You know, you're going to have to hit Budge with the milk pitcher, too."
"I really thought that if I just didn't tell anybody, maybe nobody would ever know."
"Every woman doesn't have to be like you. Every woman doesn't want a job and an apartment."
"When you're eighty, people are going to have to wear sunglasses to look at you."
"I love her. I cannot tell you how much I love this neurotic dog."
"I let Tim pretend I was just the office help."