
The Dark Lake Quotes

The Dark Lake by Sarah Bailey

The Dark Lake Quotes
"It’s amazing what you can keep buried when you want to."
"Being a female cop in Smithson did come with its challenges, but in a way I revelled in those too."
"Feelings will get you nowhere. This game is all about facts."
"The longer I am in this job, the more I realise that the lines between love and hate and life and death are blurry."
"She was a private person and kept to herself but she was very principled. She had nothing to hide."
"She had a wonderful ability. So much insight. So talented. A great actress too, I think."
"It’s exhausting but it’s better now than it was. Better than last summer, when I struggled to eat and found being around Felix akin to having a non-fatal heart attack."
"I held her hand as she lay on the table. Anna and I both cried."
"I think she was happy here. Especially lately. She was thrilled with the play. Proud of the students. She was happy."
"I’m just glad he was caught. He was dangerous, like a loaded gun."
"I feel a flatness. And a mild flutter of fear."
"It was like we shared skin, space and everything in between."
"I loved her to death but she was very difficult." - George Ryan
"Being an adult is something that I don’t think you ever really get used to." - George Ryan
"We must remember that a woman is dead. Her life has been tragically cut short. That’s what we’re focused on and we would appreciate any support that Smithson residents and those living in surrounding areas can provide." - Mr. Jones
"Caffeine is one of the most socially acceptable addictions of our time." - Jackson
"Our job seems to make sure that nothing personal gets in the way. Or in my bed." - Anna
"I’ve learned how to shut off. Never let the personal get in the way." - Gemma Woodstock
"Time is indeed a strange thing." - Reggie Hope
"I suppose she might have sensed that sometimes." - George Ryan, about his daughter Rosalind
"It’s tricky. He’s clearly not keen to revisit the whole thing." - Gemma Woodstock
"It’s all speculation. Rosalind never admitted to anything." - Felix, about Rosalind Ryan
"Maybe it is all the pressure of finishing school, but I just feel different. Like I want things to be different."
"I think this is normal. We're young. I just need some time, Gem. I don't want to drag you into my shit. Okay?"
"Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."
"It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time."
"Once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
"Every day in one of her classes was like an adventure."
"She strikes me as the kind of person who would do anything possible to keep her feelings at bay."
"Drama is the kind of subject that needs someone with a bit of imagination, right?"
"I liked being in her class. She was sort of different, I guess. Like, sometimes it didn’t seem like we were at school."
"Everyone wanted to be in her class. She was really good."
"The exhausted stare of someone with a broken heart. Of someone who isn’t sure if the future is worth striving for anymore."
"The sound of the ball hitting the wet concrete is like a hand smacking against bare skin."
"The world is a better place when everyone minds their own goddamn business."
"The heat lurks in the house like a white film."
"My dreams are red and navy. Blood and flames mix together and melt into blackness."
"I remember how you liked the sound of them at the place we went to just after your birthday. I bought them ages ago."
"I felt a low pulse in my heart. I missed touching him so much."
"‘Don’t want gravy,’ says Ben loudly. ‘It’s yuck.’"
"‘I don’t reckon you can ever trust people that rich,’ says Craig."
"Ben suddenly bites through his tongue and starts screaming, watery blood leaking onto his lip."
"‘Lord have mercy on those poor people,’ mutters Megan."
"‘No. It’s. NOT!’ Ben throws himself on the floor."
"‘I just want to talk to you.’ Can you meet me?"
"‘There’s a bomb. In your house. You need to get out now.'"
"I walk into the spotless kitchen. Ben’s toys are stacked neatly in the corner."
"I will say the wrong thing: I already know this."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You think I like this?"
"I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. Breathe. Think."
"I feel inexplicably anxious about seeing Rosalind’s play tonight."
"I can’t see Rodney in the blackness in front of me as I run after him towards the lake."
"The possibility that he is the killer, that he smashed her perfect face, held his hands around her throat and watched her die, is making me crazy."
"I loved her so much. I don’t know what to do anymore."
"She was going to take away everything I have. I just wanted her gone."
"I want to go to the lake but I can’t seem to make my legs walk there."