
Three Parts Dead Quotes

Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone

Three Parts Dead Quotes
"Dream visions tore at one another in her fever, lent strength and form by her proximity to the Crack."
"She lived. She remembered her name. She remembered her Craft."
"A buzzard descended from the dry blue sky in tightening circles, like a wood chip in a draining pool."
"Edgemont mothers were renowned for their practicality, and Ma Abernathy in particular had iron faith in the restorative powers of chicken broth."
"Once, she nearly took a lover, after a solstice dance on the village green."
"The Raiders struck at night, three months after the solstice."
"We are required elsewhere. Keep the zombies. You may need them."
"Would you rather I return you to your fellow man?"
"Our work keeps us a single step ahead of the mob. That’s all."
"A dead body contained a certain amount of order."
"The odds stood at two to one against her, and, as her father knew, she was no warrior."
"Flying isn’t easy, and falling is harder than most people think."
"There’s never any ‘just’ about thinking, Ms. Abernathy."
"The building remembered. Put in new stones and a minute later they’re scarred again."
"I was the one watching the Throne when God died."
"Millions of people, unaware that Kos’s ever-beating heart had been still for days."
"Gods, like humans, are order imposed on chaos."
"When a human being died, nobody had a vested interest in keeping her around."
"Gods, however, made deals. It was the essence of their power."
"He's usually prudent, but the current situation has shaken him, as it has shaken us all."
"The Church of Kos, the greatest divine institution left in the West, wilting with its divine patron."
"You can buy a sheet of paper that tells you what's happening on the other side of the world?"
"Have some respect for your god and your Church."
"A woman wants more than you have and she's a godsdamn abomination."
"She had expected this. She always hoped for the best, and expected the worst."
"The rooftops of a great city present a panorama unlike anything in the world."
"Both the skeleton in the black suit and the round bedraggled man with his paper-wrapped bottle of rotgut watch the city, and they do not change it as much as it changes them."
"One corner of Elayne Kevarian’s mouth turned up. 'On the side of Kos Everburning.'"
"If you lost yourself and opened your mouth in a desperate bid for air, the cold would reach down your throat, grasp your heart, and stop it with a squeeze."
"Tara’s heart sank. Abelard and Cat, by contrast, seemed nonplussed."
"Put not your trust in things, but in men. And women."
"Knowledge is power. I need all the power I can get."
"I’m confident, but I also have, let’s say, renewed faith in my adversary’s strength."
"In the service of his will, we worked as a massive organism. Separate from his purpose, we were half ourselves, or less."
"I didn’t announce what I had done, but I made no secret of it, either."
"What is this?" he asked the empty space and the machines.
"I’ll kill you!" This time, Shale’s voice was fierce, and passionate.
"A dark night is falling over this city, Shale. You can be with your people by moonrise if you tell me what I need to know."
"He was to receive something from Judge Cabot."
"Cabot. His body broken. Flayed, but he could speak."
"Light, life, and glory waited within his teeth."
"I’m not staying in that bed one more minute. Something’s happened, and I want to know what."
"That fire is Lord Kos’s breath within me. It burns quietly, and its burning is a pleasure to the wise."
"But his mouth was not a human mouth anymore."
"The floor opened beneath her and she fell, arms flailing, into the abyss."
"She called the other Blacksuits to her."
"You will surrender, the suit said in a voice scarcely like Cat’s own."
"They’re innocent!" She pulled ineffectually against Cat’s grip. "They haven’t committed any crime but hiding from you."
"Tara called upon the Craft and prepared to fight, to free herself whatever the consequences, but the opportunity never came."
"Where are you taking us?" Tara asked. To judgment.
"This is fun, isn’t it," Alexander said with a manic grin.
"I won’t let what happened to Seril happen to Kos," Elayne Kevarian had said.
"The faithful are still outside our front door, sir."
"Gods are not almighty. The Craft can circumscribe their powers."
"But she believed she was fair. Tara could use that belief to save the gargoyles, and Abelard, and herself."
"A god wouldn’t need the spine any more than I do."
"As the defendants have refused to enter a plea, they are subject to confinement—"
"Tara Abernathy strays from the question before Us. Are the accused guilty of murder?"
"No." It was a single word, but Tara put all her Craft into it. Justice fell silent.
"I have evidence to introduce in Ms. Abernathy’s support."
"Tara," Denovo said, "you should have joined with me. It would have been more pleasant for us both."
"Time ran down like an unwound clock, and was shattered by a deep, familiar voice."
"That’s the trouble with ties," Denovo said. "They bind both ways."