
Safe With Me Quotes

Safe With Me by K.L. Slater

Safe With Me Quotes
"Everything happens so quickly: there’s no time for it to slow down or to even mount the kerb."
"And it is in that split second that I recognise her."
"If he slips away now, I will never be able to forgive myself."
"They go through life making their selfish decisions, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, and never giving it a second thought."
"This time I need to make sure that every action, every step I take, is carefully planned and considered."
"It sounds simple, but delivering mail correctly and in a timely manner is far from easy, and it isn’t a menial task either."
"You can’t be too careful when it comes to electrical appliances. It is always best to be safe rather than sorry."
"It’s such a shame I didn’t think to take one of him as he lay injured in the road yesterday."
"People tend to think cats aren’t social animals but they’re wrong."
"When I get back home, Albert is sitting by the back door, waiting patiently."
"People always get things wrong. You should never move people when they are injured; you could do more damage than good."
"That overbearing feeling that you really ought to be doing something special or going somewhere that you’re not."
"Despite the fact I lost hope a long time ago that she would one day be made to pay for what she did, the truth was now crystal clear."
"I have hated birthdays for as long as I can remember."
"I’m determined to take it steady, make it count."
"I see her hesitate. ‘Sorry, I’m desperate for the loo.’"
"But she’s far too engrossed in her own tales to listen to anything I might have to say."
"But this time it’s not just about me; I have a new responsibility now."
"I remind myself I am simply buying a little more time until I can get things sorted and back to normal."
"Somehow, his eyes seemed to focus just short of Carla’s face."
"When we first met he used to joke that she had what he called the ‘possessive gene’."
"‘Freak, freak, FREAK!’ They chanted in unison."
"To distract myself while they tried to hurt me I’d think about our cat. Or Mum, when she’d had the first few drinks and would let me cuddle up to her."
"That’s when I made up my mind to think of nothing at all, like a blank white wall."
"Cats are extremely clean animals, unlike most humans."
"Friends should help each other out, don’t you think?"
"The cracks radiate out from a central fracture in the ceiling that looks worse than it actually is."
"I feel guilty. That I have no feelings for my own gran."
"I sit down on the chair right next to his bed; the one Ivy usually commandeers."
"I can’t seem to settle. Too antsy to watch TV, too tired to comb the house in search of the mystery smell again."
"He was always so close to his grandad; they were inseparable until the day he died, and now he doesn’t know who he is."
"It’s usually a rule of mine not to discuss my personal life with patients."
"I can do what I like now; I am the one in charge."
"It is a big heap of paper, and paper never hurt anybody."
"Hearts can be unpredictable and dramatic over quite trivial matters."
"I can open every letter if I want to. Nobody will know, and no one can stop me."
"It’s not that I don’t have the money to replace the things that remain from years ago."
"It just goes to show what a waste most mail actually is. People generally are sending a load of crap and unnecessary words to each other that barely get missed at all."
"People value and attach high status to their mail."
"I’m looking at the problem in a stark new light. It’s too late to own up, and there is too much to deliver now."
"There’s nothing quite like the feeling of control for making you feel good."
"Once everything is in place, once they trust you, it’s too late to go back."
"It all comes back to trust. You have to have it and the way to get it is to keep plugging away without being overbearing."
"Even better, if I can burn eight to ten loads a day, I should get through the backlog easily by the end of the week."
"We’re all just sitting here in judgement of me, anyway."
"I can barely remember what it feels like to belong but I think it might feel like this."
"You need proof before you throw accusations at your employees."
"There’s a really easy step you could take to make sure everything you own is safe for good."
"I’ve never been so certain of anything in my life."
"All we have are the pictures and the short films we play over and over in our mind’s eye."
"Trust. Love. Self-respect. And once I take them, I make sure they can never take them back."
"You have never fooled me for a second, do you know that?"
"She’s old and losing her mind, nothing like that happened."
"The smell in the house that nobody else noticed."
"My elbows are tapping up and down on the table while thoughts slip through my mind like sand in an egg timer."