
The Hot Shot Quotes

The Hot Shot by Kristen Callihan

The Hot Shot Quotes
"When I fuck with someone, he knows it, Mr. Mannus."
"The fact that Finn Mannus, who annoys the hell out of me, has been tickling the edges of my thoughts since I’ve set eyes on him is not a welcome experience."
"I don’t want to persuade a woman into bed. Jesus."
"Chess is just Chess. I don’t need to fuck her. I just want to be and not have to explain it."
"Not everything is about sex," I tell him, only half believing it.
"You know, for an independent career woman, you’re awfully old fashioned in your outlook, Ms. Copper."
"You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that expression on your face."
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be put out by good flirting."
"I miss Chess. I miss her like I’m being denied air."
"It’s okay, honey, I’ll get you anything you need."
"My life is better with you in it. I look forward to coming home. To you."
"You keep making me breakfast, and you can stay here forever."
"They were friends. You don’t think screwing each of them would cause problems?"
"I want you here. My life is better with you in it."
"I’ve never been doing a good job of keeping away from her."
"Kids learn fast. Word gets out that taunting me will earn a punch on the lip, and they’re not so quick to tease."
"We’ve all had shit to deal with in childhood. Frankly, I think most of us deserve a freaking medal for surviving it."
"I know fresh trees have that lovely scent. And some traditionalists would sneer at artificial, but I just love my white tree."
"The way you two interact with each other. It’s fluid. Like you’ve been together so long that you know which way the other will go before one of you even moves."
"Finding someone to spend your life with matters."
"I’m sorry if I worry. If I weigh pros and cons and ignore my heart sometimes. But I can’t be like them. I can’t be like you. I won’t. When I chose forever, I want it to be forever. I need that."
"You are not doing whatever this is under the guise of friendship."
"Every time I push into her, I’m begging for it. Every pull though her heat, I’m anticipating the next thrust."
"You were right, though. I needed to get some clarity. Figure out what’s important."
"I don’t want to fight either. It’s bullshit, all this worrying."
"I’ve lost everything that is safe and familiar to me. My home, my place of work, my best friend. And I’ve replaced it with you."
"I’m not going to say I love the green health drink because I have working taste buds, but it does send a nice shot of energy running through my system."
"Every football player understands where this road leads."
"It really sucks when your conscience starts to hate you."
"They don’t call it risk because it’s safe. Tell her anyway."
"I don’t need Chess to succeed at football. Whether she’s in my life or not, I am who I am on the field."
"You have no idea what it does to me to see you like this. I cannot stand seeing you hurt. I can’t."
"You’re my fate, Chess. I’ve known that since the beginning. I was meant to be yours."
"Football is easy, if you want to know the truth. Easy in the way that I’m gifted."
"Whatever we choose, we’ll do it together. As long as we’re together, Chess."
"Together." It is a word ripe with possibilities, and I cannot wait.