
A Handful Of Dust Quotes

A Handful Of Dust by Evelyn Waugh

A Handful Of Dust Quotes
No one I am thankful to say," said Mrs. Beaver, "except two housemaids who lost their heads and jumped through a glass roof into the paved court. They were in no danger.
"Heavens, how nasty this stuff is. I wish you’d take to it, John. You’re looking so tired lately. I don’t know how I should get through my day without it."
What was your evening?" "Audrey rang up at eight and asked me to dinner. Ten of us at the Embassy, rather dreary.
"I used to see her quite a lot before she married. She was Brenda Rex, Lord St. Cloud’s daughter, very fair, underwater look."
"I am afraid I can’t ask you in for a drink. You see it isn’t my house and I shouldn’t know where to find anything."
Instead of the placid ox and ass of Bethlehem," said the vicar, "we have for companions the ravening tiger and the exotic camel, the furtive jackal and the ponderous elephant.
"I’ve just thought of something. Suppose the evening papers have got hold of it already. Brenda may see it on a placard, or just pick up a paper casually and there it will be… perhaps with a photograph."
"After all the last thing one wants to talk about at a time like this is religion."
"If only it was I that was dead… I shall never be able to face them again. I feel like a murderess… that brave little life snuffed out."
"It’s almost incredible, isn’t it, everything becoming absolutely different, suddenly like that?"
"It’s the most appalling thing. What on earth are we going to say to Tony?"
"Don’t you ever take a rest from thinking?"
"Oh thank God… Then she burst into tears."
"When you first told me, I didn't understand. I didn't know what I was saying."
"Yes, I know… I didn’t mean… I don’t think it’s any good trying to explain."
"Love is the only thing that is stronger than sorrow."
"We’re both young. Of course, we can never forget John. He’ll always be our eldest son but…"
"It’s so terrible not being able to do anything to help."
"I am in love with John Beaver and I want to have a divorce and marry him."
"I shall think of you as I saw you all three, together, at Christmas."
"It’s not how I feel myself but Brenda and I are quite different in lots of ways."
"I think I shall be able to find someone."
"I’m afraid she’s sick of Beaver already."
"You can’t just walk into a shop and order machine guns."
"I can't tell you what she was like here… quite mechanical."
"I suppose we shan’t be allowed to meet while the case is on but I hope afterwards we shall be great friends."
"It is a very short way. When we get there I will give you something to make you better."
"There is medicine for everything in the forest."
"The situation is grave, but not desperate."
"You read beautifully, with a far better accent than the black man."
"You must drink it all without lowering the cup. That is the etiquette."
"We will not have any Dickens today… but tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that."
"I enjoyed that very much. It was an extremely distressing chapter."
"The forest has remedies for everything; to make you awake and to make you sleep."