
Fallen Hearts Quotes

Fallen Hearts by V.C. Andrews

Fallen Hearts Quotes
"I SAT ON THE LONG front porch of the cabin, reading and rereading my letter to Pa."
"Sunlight wove its way through the woods, threading strands of gold from birch to hickory to maple, turning the leaves transparent where the light bathed them."
"Above me, the sky was deep cerulean blue and the little candy cotton puffs of clouds stretched and curled in delicious shapes, like babies stretching in sleep."
"I’m going to make you believe in me, Heaven. I’m going to be all you could want in a man."
"Dreams did indeed come true and I knew that things we often think are too good and too precious to be part of the real world really could be part of the real world."
"Welcome, Heaven," Mrs. Stonewall said, a little nervously, as she handed me the missal."
"You are the most dangerous kind of female the world can ever know."
"It was as if I’d suddenly reached one of those magical clearings in the forest, and I knew enough to build my home there."
"But the echo of that thought died quickly and was replaced by the echoes of Logan’s and my footsteps as we hurried down the corridor."
"My eyes searched for Logan. I wanted him to stand by my side, to put his arm through mine, to be my husband always with me at our wedding reception."
"Having all of this is meaningless unless you have someone you love with whom to share it."
"I’m glad we spent our honeymoon there, because to us, Farthinggale will always be a place of love."
"Sometimes we shouldn’t challenge fate and destiny, this voice within me said. Sometimes we’re too proud and too determined for our own good."
"There was something so familiar about the sound that my heart began thumping."
"I couldn’t help but think about Rye Whiskey’s tales of ghosts and disturbed ancestors."
"I felt this alter ego open her eyes and stir. I felt her heart beat once again with mine."
"For a moment I was not sure whether or not I had come upon a ghost or an illusion of my own frightened and troubled mind."
"She became rather insulting. It doesn’t matter what she said. I wasn’t really listening to her anymore and I just wanted to get away from everything and everyone."
"I closed my eyes and waited for the mighty ocean, the great waves I had often listened to and stared at alone at night, fascinated with their beauty and their strength, to take me down into their cold darkness."
"But instead I was cast about until I lost consciousness. When I awoke, I was some distance down shore, sprawled on the beach, alive, my appeal for a quick, painless death rejected."
"I realized it was selfish in a way, but I thought it was better."
"I was in the cottage. The tools were there; the materials were there. I had ideas, so I worked."
"The unfairness of it all was too overwhelming. I didn’t care about anything anymore, least of all my own well-being."
"To me it was as if I were pumping life back into him, resurrecting him with every passing moment."
"The warm tears emerged from the corners of my eyes and zigzagged over my cheeks."
"I crushed the pillow against my face, smothering the sound of my sobs."
"I don’t care," I insisted. "All I care about is being in your arms and having you hold me tightly to your body."
"I wanted him to consume me just as a flame consumed that kindling that fueled it."
"It was a cruel joke that’s been played on us."
"It seems I can’t stop hurting the ones I love."
"I wanted to be alone to try and sort them out, and yet I was afraid to be alone."
"You could just see the lines on the paper dripping with jealousy. If she could, she would have written it in blood."
"Young girls could be very cruel to one another, especially spoiled-rotten rich young girls."
"They despised anyone who was in any way different."
"I don’t care to contribute to that sort of gossip anyway, Amy. It’s not ladylike for you to do it, either."
"We shouldn’t depend on other people’s tragedies for our entertainment."
"A funny way to win their respect. I never became one of them, but at least they left me alone."
"Life has not been as sweet for me as you think."
"Sometimes privacy is very important and very precious."
"You’re lying and it’s a horrible and mean thing to do!"
"Life is just like the seasons, child. It’s got its springs and its summers."
"Truth was you were jealous of me because Pa liked me, Pa held me; Pa kissed me."
"They’re naming them after everything nowadays, from soap-opera characters to racehorses."
"Heaven, you look beautiful, radiant. What a wonderful surprise."
"I want to go to the circus! Let me go! Let me go!"
"Yer the spittin’ image of him, just as handsome as he was."
"Life with Fanny must be aging him quickly, I thought."
"The funeral’s tomorrow at eleven at the Kingsington Cathedral in Atlanta, burial at the church cemetery."
"He’s coming back with us, yes. We’ll make a home for him."
"I’ll be busy getting to know Drake and letting him get to know me and Farthy."
"You will be the prince of the castle and have everything your heart desires."
"I want to be a ringmaster, and a lion tamer, too."
"I promise you’ll like it even better in Winnerow, Drake."
"He’s not an orphan. He’s going to have a home and a family."
"That’s not love, true and pure; that’s parasitical love, love that feeds off others."
"It was no use; I would never sleep tonight, I thought."
"I’m sure that he has good explanations and that everything he did and has done he did for good reasons, Heaven."
"I’m turning away from that part of my life, closing the curtain on that drama."
"I’ll be more than happy to do all that I can to help with little Drake."
"We’ll be together all the time. No more separations, Heaven."
"I’ll make you happy forever, darling. I promise."
"We don’t have Farthy; we don’t have a castle and an army of servants and we’re not mingling with the bluebloods, but we’ve got this wonderful home and the chance to build upon our own energies and imaginations, and I think that makes us richer than ever."
"I’m pure one hundred percent Stonewall forever more."
"I’ll work hard, but the work will always be second to our love and marriage and our family."
"I felt as secure and as protected as a bear cub."
"I had never had the interest or the curiosity before, but tonight... tonight I needed answers."
"You’ll see a pool and a gazebo and gardens and tennis courts."
"He’s probably playing with some of the sample toys. He’s probably lost in his own world."
"The only sound was the distant metallic cry of a train threading its way through the darkness in the distance."
"Intense panic began to set in, rattling my bones."
"Was I destined to travel through life with Despair and Sorrow at my side?"
"Once something evil starts to rollin’, it’s hard to slow it down."
"The point is he will, Mr. Stonewall." Camden Lakewood remained coolly realistic. "The point is that Anthony Tatterton has volunteered to testify. Obviously, his lawyers are urging him not to."
"You’re a good husband. The only husband I want," I consoled him.
"It wasn’t so accidental or ironic that Tony, through his terrible admission, could deny me Luke’s love a second time."
"Right now I almost wished I were back there living in that poverty, but at least having people around me who loved me."
"Oh, it shouldn’t be hard. You’re right, honey. It should be easy to love and hard to hate. Let’s make it that way forever and ever between us, okay?"
"All my life I thought you were the most beautiful girl on earth, but now I know our love has created a child even more beautiful."
"Oh, Troy, how I wished things could have been different. And she was perfect! So perfect!"