
And The Shofar Blew Quotes

And The Shofar Blew by Francine Rivers

And The Shofar Blew Quotes
"I’m trying to keep the faith, Lord. I’m trying to trust."
"Oh, Lord, don’t let me live long enough to see the doors of this church locked on Sunday morning."
"Are we all going to be relegated to watching TV evangelists who spend three-quarters of their time asking for money? God, help us."
"What happened to the fire we all felt when we came to Christ?"
"It took you more than one day to win my heart, Paul Hudson. It may take them a little time, too."
"I don’t want to react in anger this time. I want to respond wisely, do what is best for Brittany."
"A pastor’s wife couldn’t expect to have her husband all to herself."
"What bright young college graduate would want to come to a dead-end town with no prospects for the future?"
"Lord, what is it that’s beneath my concern? Am I being selfish? Why this sense of discontent in the midst of such blessing? Help me through this. Help me see clearly."
"Just because there were only a few members doesn’t mean their faith was stagnant."
"Oh, Lord, You’ve given me this wonderful husband. I don’t deserve him."
"Cast off those things that keep you from serving Christ wholeheartedly."
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
"They’re part of the church. But they’re already in the minority."
"You figure you have to clean up your life completely before you have the right to set foot in a regular church. Right?"
"Religion makes life more difficult. God makes life bearable."
"Life and death difference, but if you want to understand, you ought to check out Centerville Christian."
"I recognize ambition when I saw it, but as far as I could tell, there was nothing wrong with being ambitious about building a church."
"The Bible says a deacon shouldn’t be a man given to drink, and since you’re not drinking, I can’t see any reason why you can’t serve as a deacon."
"If everyone had to have lived a perfect life in order to serve the Lord, there wouldn’t be anyone serving."
"God has never been concerned with numbers, Stephen. He’s concerned with focus and the heart."
"Serve the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength."
"I want to do what’s right, but sometimes it seems there are so many things going on, so many irons in the fire, I don’t even know where to start."
"You’re my wife, and you’re supposed to be building bridges, not burning down the ones I’ve built all by myself without any help from you!"
"Just because something grows doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Cancer grows."
"You go to the Head of the church. You go to the Lord. You lay everything out before Him in prayer, and then you wait and you listen and you watch."
"God is building the temple, one living stone at a time."
"Don’t give me any credit, Paul. What you decide to do with your ministry rests on your shoulders."
"The Lord is my first husband, Eunice. My faithful companion."
"We all have besetting sins, Stephen. They’re the trouble that brings us to our knees and keeps us depending on the Lord for strength."
"You can’t usher an executive into some tacky little hole-in-the-wall and convince him Jesus is the way to a good life."
"Christ forgave you, Stephen. How can you withhold forgiveness from Kathryn?"
"We all know you’re doing it for the Lord, Stephen, and I know He’s going to bless you for it."
"Every time you act up, you’re serving Satan."
"Look to Him. Don’t expect your father to have all the answers you need."
"You follow your faith, as weak as it is, rather than your doubts, as strong as they seem to you right now. You do that and leave the rest up to God. He’ll make sure everything goes according to plan."
"It'd be a whole lot easier if I weren't going to church."
"He might as well have been digging clams in high tide."
"We have to do what's best for our congregation."
"You'd better get it, Dad. It might be someone important."
"The world will continue to turn without him, Paul."
"If you want to be a great man of God, don't look to Ezra Hudson."
"Sorry is just a word, Paul. It doesn't make everything better."
"He's never going to see Valley New Life Center completed."
"Let go. Let God. Live. Let live. Easy does it."
"I used to dream my home would be like this. Packed from floor to ceiling with children."
"I don’t want to put you out anymore or cost you anything. I don’t have to stay here, you know."
"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven."
"I miss driving, but I don’t want to take a chance on wiping someone out on the highway."
"Everyone wants to choose how they live and with whom."
"It’s not your fault I’m an alcoholic, Kat. It never was."
"I thought it was about time we stopped trying to find ways to hurt each other."
"When you live with a faithless man, you learn to lean on a faithful God."
"I've learned more about what the Bible says in the last six weeks from you than I did in all my catechism classes put together."
"I guess you'll go on feeling sorry for yourself. You'll justify and rationalize your lousy behavior and blame her for everything you ever did wrong. Convenient, isn't it, to have a scapegoat?"
"You've been giving her marriage counseling. Oh, how foolish to think my husband could cheat on You and still remain faithful to me."
"We're to love one another the way Jesus loved us."
"You're not considering the life Molly has built, but what you threw away."
"I'm just asking. I want to know where you stand before I walk in the door. I fled one man's kingdom. I don't want to fall down the stairs and into the basement of another."
"Maybe it’s easier to pour our efforts into building a house for God rather than building a relationship with Him."
"Just because Paul Hudson’s motivation was wrong doesn’t mean yours wasn’t right."
"God has provided work to keep my head above water and my name out of a bankruptcy hearing."
"Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit, Paul. It’s God who saves. It’s Jesus."
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
"I've been fighting against worldly thinking for years, and what good has it done me?"
"Trust in the Lord. Do what’s right. And rest."
"Every word Paul’s mother had said sank in and took hold, shaking the foundations of his lifework."
"Each is responsible for his or her own sins."
"I just called Samuel to tell him I didn’t feel up to coming by today."
"I’ve taken my sins to Jesus, but I want to try to make amends with the people I’ve hurt."
"Forgiveness is a decision; trust takes time."
"You’ve really made a mess of things, haven’t you?"
"I’ve been in love with your wife for ten years."
"Beloved, hear the truth. Take it into your hearts and be at peace. In Christ, you have nothing to fear. Without Him, you have no hope."