
The Lost Man Quotes

The Lost Man by Jane Harper

The Lost Man Quotes
"Nathan Bright could see nothing, and then everything all at once."
"I’m going to…" Ludlow pointed at his lens and at the grave, and they all stood back while he prowled around, taking shots of the tarp and surroundings from every angle.
"We’re not sure," he found himself repeating. "I don’t know."
"I’ll tell you later. Come on. We’re going to find Uncle Cam’s car."
"You can’t walk it, not in this weather," Steve said, his voice muffled.
"It’s obvious, isn’t it? It was forty-five degrees yesterday. I dunno why Cam left his car, but the minute he did that, he was fucked. End of story."
"You don’t get anything like this at home. We were blown away by how big these stations actually are when we first came out."
"I reckon we've got everything we're going to get, so you're all right to take this when you go."
"It's either then or we have to wait until the new year."
"It was around this time of year, when everyone who’s coming back has come back."
"Someone lit a campfire and cranked up the music as the booze was passed around."
"The inky sky was heavy with stars as they parked their utes and four-wheel drives in the sand."
"Fresh beers were cracked open as soon as a bottle ran empty."
"He wasn’t sure when he’d first noticed Cameron and Jenna together."
"The sound of laughter and chatter had swelled as mates caught up in person, for the first time in years, in some cases."
"I remember sitting in the truck, looking at the back of my dad’s head and wishing he would just start shouting."
"Cameron had sat on the veranda steps and cried, his shoulders shaking."
"The back of Nathan’s head bounced against the wall with a sharp smack."
"Carl hadn’t even bothered to look at him properly as he’d lifted an arm and taken a swipe."
"It’s just, if that’s the only thing Cameron and Ilse said to each other that morning, they took their time getting it out."
"I don’t want someone to bait her like they did with Kelly."
"I’d probably sell it to him, if he’d let me get a word in edgeways."
"You must have been here with me for—what?—two whole minutes already? Well past your normal cue to leave."
"I thought I was losing my bloody mind. I thought I’d imagined it."
"I haven’t seen most of those people in years. And maybe they can forget what I did, but now I’m supposed to just forget what they did?"
"But listen. Try not to be too angry with Bub, okay?"
"Each night he pressed the same one, no matter how strong the urge was to do otherwise."
"It’s hard being married to someone who really doesn’t love you."
"It’s not that easy around here, though. Practically, I mean. You can’t just pick up and go."
"I’ve been planning it for a while. Leave with Sophie and Lo."
"Life out here is hard. We all try to get through the best way we can."
"The storms engulfed everything in their path, sucking away the oxygen and filling the air with missiles."
"He must have decided one horse wouldn’t be able to outrun the storm carrying both of them, because he gave his own horse to his little boy."
"It was the flat, uninspired work of a man who was too blind to see all the good things he had."
"I reckon you’re a better painter than your dad."
"That’s all. And yeah, it’s pretty good, I suppose."
"It’s hot out here, girls. Go inside and grab a drink of water."
"I never meant for you to have to deal with this. I did what I felt was right in my heart."
"I can imagine being happy again. And I haven’t felt that way in a long time."