
Winter In Paradise Quotes

Winter In Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand

Winter In Paradise Quotes
"Teenagers and millennials use social media, but the demographic of Heartland Home & Style is women 39–65."
"She’ll light a fire in the library, she thinks. Make a cup of herbal tea, hunker down on the sofa with her favorite chenille blanket, crack open one of her new books."
"The greatest unfairness in this world, according to Lydia, is that men get sexier and better-looking as they get older and women… don’t."
"You’re in the Caribbean! Look at the string of palm trees backing that platinum beach over there."
"I’m pulling into my driveway. Just me and Winnie."
"I’m leaving you. I’m in love with someone else."
"The house is a reflection not only of years of painstaking work but also of her soul."
"The CIA should hire women in their fifties. We’re invisible."
"Who encouraged whom to take this job. Let’s recall who said she didn’t want to be married to a corn syrup salesman for the rest of her life."
"I have to fly down there. I can’t get there tomorrow. I’m leaving Thursday morning out of Chicago."
"It’s absurd! He wants to scream. After all of Russ’s gentle prodding for Cash to finish his education and establish an 'infrastructure,' it turns out his father’s own infrastructure was built of lies! He had a secret life! A fifteen-million-dollar villa in the Caribbean and a West Indian mistress!"
"As his grandfather used to say: hard things are hard."
"This man in the photograph with the open-collared tomato-red shirt and the 'I’ve-got-the-world-by-the-balls' smile is a stranger."
"He wants to laugh. It’s absurd! He wants to scream."
"The only thing you need to worry about is the fire coral—it’s easily identifiable by its bright orange branches—and if you rub up against it, you will develop a very painful burning rash."
"It feels wrong to be here. They didn’t know Rosie Small. They are the sons of her lover, the man who was taking her to Anegada, and who was indirectly responsible for her death."
"She has no memory of Russ ever drinking wine."
"Hard things are hard, and Please, God, do not give him anything harder than this."
"It's a cruel trick of the world, a person alive and well one minute, thinking harm will never come her way, and then dead the next."
"She's really pretty, though not as pretty as you, of course."
"Anyone else would have handed the reel over by now."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to horn in on your day of solitude and reflection."
"It’s like Russ had this giant secret, which, in turn, is causing the three of us to keep our own smaller secrets."
"He wants to kiss her. But he is too old and out of practice to know if she would welcome this or slap him."
"Stay left, Rupert used to say. And look out for the donkeys."
"I don’t care if I have to keep myself alive until I’m a hundred years old."
"The person who had wanted a daughter was… Irene. Irene had wanted a daughter."
"To all of this, Baker says: Too damn bad, I’m going anyway."
"He hadn’t been sure how intimidating he seemed, but he had been to Vietnam before any of these guys were born and he would remind them of that if he needed to."
"Russ loved Rosie. To deny this in the name of self-preservation is folly."
"The Weather Is Here, You and Tequila, One Love."
"Secrets become lies, and lies end up destroying you and everyone you care about."
"You live a whole life, filled with routines, traditions, and brand-new experiences, and then you end up like this."
"It’s as if the sun has melted away the rules, and the stunning beauty of the water and the islands has dazzled everyone into bliss."