
Close Liaisons Quotes

Close Liaisons by Anna Zaires

Close Liaisons Quotes
"We’ve been able to visit you for a long time. However, traveling to Earth had always been a dangerous task – so only a few intrepid individuals would attempt it at any given time."
"The transition from primitive primates to intelligent beings took you only a couple of million years, while it took us nearly a billion."
"It was a shot in the dark, with minuscule odds of success. We disseminated our DNA as far as our then-primitive technology could reach."
"You see, it turns out that there’s nothing quite as pleasurable as drinking blood from a living source during sex. The experience is simply indescribable."
"Our main concern was the abuse of your planet’s resources. Your unhealthy addiction to animal products was destroying the environment at a much faster rate than anything else you were doing."
"You’re not my type at all. I don’t typically go for scared little girls, particularly of the human variety, but you – you made me want to strip you down right there in the middle of that park."
"It wasn’t until some six hundred million years ago that we reached this part of the galaxy and found Earth."
"I’m pretty sure he’ll be able to find me there. He’s done that before. And I don’t know what he’ll do if he gets mad."
"You’re mine, Mia. You’ve been mine from the moment I saw you in the park that day. I don’t share what’s mine. Ever."
"Just because I’m angry with you doesn’t mean that I’m going to hurt you in any way, much less kill you."
"You let that pretty worm put his hands all over you, and you kissed him right in front of my eyes. No, Mia, upset doesn’t even begin to approximate it."
"I sleep with you every night, I kiss and caress your body, I take great pleasure in having sex with you – and you think that I could just snuff out your life like that, with no regrets?"
"Your human body is already fragile, and I won’t allow you to abuse it like this."
"If I’d known before, I obviously would’ve never gone to the club in the first place."
"I learned too late that they’re apparently very territorial and possessive."
"You’re a human being – the creation of my kind. We made you."
"Mia, I am really sorry about this. You’re so delicate . . . I should’ve never lost control like that."
"Mia, he’s dangerous. Please be careful, okay?"
"Why don’t we cross that bridge when we come to it?"
"I’m not coming to terms with anything. I’m a human being. I have rights."
"I’ll always take care of you and your family – you don’t need to stress about money ever again."
"I’m neither shallow nor stupid – and I don’t really appreciate you implying anything about my relationship."
"I can’t believe all this shit is happening to you."
"I knew, and I let things unfold as they will. It wasn’t part of my original plan; it wasn’t why I was in New York. I wanted to find and capture one of their leaders, to extract the identities of the traitors you saw today. But when you chose to betray me, I knew that a rare opportunity had presented itself – that we could strike a blow to the Resistance from which they would never recover . . . and I could catch the traitors in the process."
"Of course. From the moment they approached you and you agreed to spy for them, I knew."
"You could shoot me. And then all your problems would be solved."
"What about my passport?" she asked, and then realized that it was a stupid question.
"It’s called advanced rapid fabrication technology. It’s one of our most useful inventions. It’s one of our most useful inventions."
"I’m not the unfeeling monster you persist in thinking me to be."
"What if I take you to see your family in a couple of weeks as we originally discussed? Would that make you feel better?"
"Because, Mia, I want you with me, and I can’t stay in New York any longer. I’ve been away far too long."
"It hurts to be the one used, the one betrayed . . . doesn’t it?"
"But I’ve been around long enough to understand that when you find a good thing, you hold on to it; you don’t throw it away on a whim."