
Roar Quotes

Roar by Cora Carmack

Roar Quotes
"You are lightning made flesh. Colder than falling snow. Unstoppable as the desert sands riding the wind."
"That was what Rora had to become as her shaking hand sealed her fate with a scratchy, bleeding line of ink."
"She would pretend that she did not desperately wish she were better. Different. More."
"She was a delicate songbird, and his father was a bird of prey."
"The capital city of the Locke kingdom seems to lie at the very edge of all things."
"Aurora’s knife slammed into the center of the target with a gratifying thunk."
"A Stormling stands. Amidst thunderous cries and raining coals, Raise Stormling hands."
"Her mother hushed her, brushing fingers through her hair."
"He sighed, warm breath drifting over her skin."
"Trusting her gut, Rora darted down the street, unnerved by the darkness that lurked around her."
"Surely people in Pavan didn’t live like this."
"She wasn’t positive what kind—a hurricane, perhaps?"
"Her stomach roiled like a tossing sea, but she continued forward."
"A storm. She wasn’t positive what kind—a hurricane, perhaps?"
"Whether it be thunderstorm, hurricane, or some storm on which we have not yet laid eyes, one truth remains—challenge a tempest, survive it, and you become its master."
"Aurora shook her head. "Nova, can you help me?""
"This life is not glamorous," Duke told her. "We travel constantly. We sleep on the ground most nights. When we’re not in danger from storms, we’re in danger in cities where we are considered criminals. This life is not for the faint of heart."
"Do not fear the thunder, nor the fire in the skies. Rest little darling, and close your tired eyes."
"You are not going to die on my watch, princess. I promise you that."
"In facing death, the first Stormlings found life."
"Storms are the greatest predators in existence because they can destroy you with their savage strength or enthrall you with their terrible beauty."
"To die at the hands of a storm gives one the chance to live again in the skies."
"I don’t know. I’m not without a temper and my mouth has gotten me into more trouble than I care to admit, but never... I’ve never felt anything like that."
"I’ve never heard of anybody experiencing added emotions while mesmerized. Usually, it’s the opposite."
"The storm’s thrall drains away fear and all other emotions. One feels almost blank."
"If only one of us gets hurt, it’s a good day."
"Confusion leads to knowledge for those brave enough to seek it."
"No one can decide that but you. Think about that book you love so much."
"If we all gave up when there were no answers to be found, there would not be hunters like us."
"You must have the stronger heart. You must have no doubts, no fear."
"I’m sure my father would like to return home very much."
"You can never know if something is, in fact, impossible until you have tried."
"You can feel me, and the world has not descended into flame again."
"Listen to her roar. Listen to her wail. Listen to the grief that lives inside the gale."
"It’s better this way. She is too young to settle down, and the moment she was mine, I would want to lock her away in some Stormling city and never let her set foot in the wilds again."
"Treat others with kindness. For you do not know which souls will visit you again as storms rather than men."
"We’ll see just how much you can handle when I’m training you again."
"I don’t care if you called that storm, if you called every storm there ever was. I would love you anyway."
"For the first time in a very long time, I had no desire to throw myself into death’s path because I could, to see if I could survive. Because death meant leaving you, and that was unthinkable."
"Listen with an open heart, for a closed heart becomes a cold one if left for too long."
"I did not think anything could make you more lovely, but I was wrong."
"Give me something else to call you. The name Locke doesn’t deserve you."
"I am loath to part with you. I’m sorry for all the times I pushed you away, for all the times I made you angry."
"You are not responsible for the actions of a storm, even if you called it."
"You must learn to find your feet even among things that unsettle you, for far more unsettling things await you."
"Sometimes we must make answers where there are none."
"Again and again and again, he survived. But with each narrow brush with death, he felt a little less alive. Each scrape with devastation scraped off a little more of his soul."
"With each soft sweep of her mouth over his, she dismantled the frame of his world and built a new one."
"A soul is a curious thing. It is all the forms of one’s self—what one was, what one is, and what one could be."
"It’s not your fault. You don’t have to apologize."
"That means it’s mine. My territory. And I’m prepared to protect it, every hour of the day if I must."
"She’ll wake today, Locke told himself. She had to."
"We’ve got all the time in the world, princess."
"She covered her cheek with his hand and trailed a thumb down to her mouth, over the reddened curve of her bottom lip."