
Under The Never Sky Quotes

Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Under The Never Sky Quotes
"They called the world beyond the walls of the Pod 'the Death Shop.'"
"Our skin could rot off. We could get locked out. An Aether storm could turn us into human bacon. Then the cannibals could eat us for breakfast."
"The Eye took them to the Realms, the virtual spaces where they spent most of their time."
"Savages on the outside still lived this way."
"He even had a tan, a ridiculous upgrade considering none of them had ever seen the sun."
"Soren’s father created it for his eighteenth birthday a month ago. Tilted Green Bottles played a special concert."
"I hate this. Everything's missing, you know?"
"Magic. That was the word that came to Aria's mind."
"Most of the time he didn’t think he was very different from the Aether at all."
"His eyes favored this time. Contours were more crisp. Movement easier to track."
"Talon’s sorrow dropped him like a stone. His worry made Perry pace. His joy felt like flying."
"People said that the Marked had the Aether flowing through their blood."
"The sooner we settle this, the sooner you can go. You need time to grieve, as we all do."
"If you want to gather facts, then find my Smarteye. You'll see what happened."
"I’m sorry, Aria," he said. The Medsuit stiffened, crinkling as it puffed around her limbs.
"It won’t do you any good to lie," Ward said. "They have means to get at the truth."
"Had something happened to Lumina? Or was it Paisley?"
"The design was purposely repetitive and uninteresting to promote maximum use of the Realms."
"You realize how close you came to destroying the entire Pod?"
"Her mother should be there instead of hundreds of miles away."
"He’s a cute little thing. Bet he tastes good."
"I'm fine. I can go." She wasn’t anywhere close to fine, but she’d pretend to be if it got her to Lumina.
"All she’d really wanted was for Lumina to come home."
"Did she think Consul Hess would change his mind? But where else could she go?"
"Your heart is like cannibal candy, cannibal candy, cannibal candy, Your heart is like cannibal candy, And I’ve got a sweet tooth for you!"
"I have to go. If I stay, either your father will die or I will. You know that."
"Not so dangerous anymore, are you? Didn’t think we’d forget to pay you a return visit, did you, Savage?"
"We’re not in your world anymore, Dweller. People die here and it’s not pseudo. It’s very, very real."
"Each one of these is unique. Their shape. Their weight and composition. It’s amazing."
"If it moves, I kill it. Then I gut it, skin it, and eat it."
"The Realms are the only places we can go. They were created when the Pods were built. Without them, we’d probably go insane with boredom."
"It’s all energy, like everything. The Eye sends impulses that flow right into the brain, fooling it. Telling it, ‘You’re seeing this and touching that.’"
"But maybe some things haven’t been perfected yet. Maybe they’re close to the real thing, but not the same."
"Rocks aren’t the only thing. When I was out in that desert, and then when… I’ve never felt that way. We don’t have fear like that."
"There’s no trace of him here. You dreamed it. There’s no one here except us."
"Our Markings are like that. I wouldn’t be myself without them."
"I saw him. It felt real. It felt just like being with him in a Realm."
"She fit in well then, he thought. A girl who never shut up."
"I won’t slow down for you. That means walking days on those."
"She made up a tune to match all the fear and helplessness she kept locked inside. A mournful, terrible melody that was her secret, sung only in the privacy of her thoughts."
"That night, she collapsed before the Outsider had the fire burning, wrapped in the blue fleece blanket."
"Monosyllabicism. An Outsider disease, and she’d been infected."
"His eyes narrowed, annoyed at being interrupted."
"My brother is a Blood Lord. He commands my tribe, the Tides."
""You’ve asked me that before. Do you Dwellers only joke?""
""Wave it around and yell, Mole. Loud as you can. That’s all you need to do.""
""Territories," he said, "and there’s open land where the dispersed roam.""
""We’ll be moving onto the mountain today," he said, his gaze darting to her feet."
""It’s like drinking a campfire, but it’s good.""
""This is the third time I save your life and that’s what you call me?""
""You’re wrong there, Mole. I have killed a woman before. Keep talking. You might be the second.""
""Seems easier if I just find them and ask you whether they’re edible or not. Faster than the rubbing and tasting process.""
"Have I entertained you? Has my misery amused you?"
"You think I wanted to tell you I can smell better than a wolf?"
"Why would he bother listening to false words when he can breathe and get right at the truth?"
"It’s hard to follow a person’s logic if you don’t know how they feel."
"People are more than emotions. People have thoughts and reasons for doing things."
"The population of Outsiders was small. Any shifts had the possibility of running rampant in such a limited pool."
"A drop of ink in a bucket was more potent than a drop in a lake."
"To the return of old friends and to an unexpected but most welcome new one."
"They were safe. They were warm. They had food."
"Smell was the hardest sense to replicate virtually."
"Real hope that she’d reach Lumina. That Perry would find Talon."
"None of it changes what happens in the real."
"It’s how a person acts that makes them different."
"You could never trust anything. It was too easy to become something else. Someone else."
"It felt like the first real one for me, too."
"Touching isn't... this has to be your lead, your pace."
"Crossing Senses brings a curse. It brings misfortune."
"I thought I was going to die when I was dropped out here. Everything felt wrong. Being in pain. Being lost and alone."
"I know why I'm alive. And why my body started changing. Now... it's like I have the day ahead of me again."
"A perfect song for a cool night on a roof surrounded by pines."
"You’d have a fair idea of what I want right now."
"It brightened the woods, and the never sky, and everything."
"She found excuses to bring him close, pretending interest in this leaf or that rock. Nothing fascinated her more than him."
"I know how to put one foot in front of the other even when every step hurt."
"Whatever came next, she would survive it, too."
"It was time. After months together at Marron’s, Roar and Cinder were heading to the Tides. To Perry."