
Charmed Thirds Quotes

Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty

Charmed Thirds Quotes
"I marvel at his talent for revealing the hidden beauty in ordinary things."
"Well, if suffering from diarrhea, rectal bleeding, severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting doesn’t swing your mood in some direction, nothing will."
"It’s not about the perfect body. It’s about extending your life through dramatic reduction of food intake."
"I’ve learned not to complain though, because it’s obviously selfish and ridiculous to complain about attending one of the best educational institutions in the world."
"I’d walk all over the neighborhood, but no matter where I went, I always had this left-out feeling, like there was something better going on very nearby, if only I knew about it."
"I have yet to get a reciprocal phone call from Hope because she still hasn’t done it. Sometimes I admire her for holding out. But more often I pity her for not finding someone who makes the preservation of her virginity seem utterly pointless."
"I’ve learned that my high school experience was only terrible because something inside me—my mucked-up brain chemistry, most likely—made me feel that way."
"I don’t want to be responsible for scarring her subconscious."
"We’ll have a barbecue on the roof," Marcus said. "It’ll be cool. We can see the fireworks from there."
"We’re all people," he said simply. "It doesn’t matter if you’re two, thirty-two, or ninety-two. Everyone wants to be treated with respect. Everyone wants to feel like they matter in this world."
"Your sister is not the banshee you make her out to be," he continued. "I think motherhood has mellowed her out."
"Well, except for Marin, you should know that none of that stuff matters," he said. "Have you also noticed that she doesn’t really have any friends? Or that her husband is on the phone more often than he is on the premises?"
"I’m not putting up with you," he said softly. "I’m loving you."
"It’s not hard," I’d say. And they’d stare at me the way I was staring at Marcus at that moment, with slack-jawed incredulity.
"Why are you focusing on what didn’t happen instead of what can happen next?"
"You are not generic," he said, interrupting my rant. "You are you. And I love you for wanting to make this day special for me."
"She’s saving face," he said, lowering his voice. "Grant says that being a mom should be Bethany’s full-time job."
"So everything we believe about happiness is wrong," I said.
"My man," whom I hadn’t seen all month because I was working here. But why? Why was I working here? Why was I doing this?
"Well, if I could answer that," Marcus said, "people would be praying to me."
"How can you be both separate and together?" I asked.
"Nothing is absolute," he said. "Everything can change…"
"It’s like a high school reunion here tonight!"
"This isn’t designing for living, it’s designing for leaving."
"I remember Pollock paint splatters and discordant Stravinsky noise and Machiavelli’s primitive political methods, you know, the stuff of Jeopardy! Daily Doubles."
"We define ourselves by the stories we tell others."
"I am so often stunned by my mom’s ignorance that remarks like that should fail to shock me anymore."
"The more openly and loudly you talk about something, the less interested people are in hearing it."
"This authority role is one he relishes, one that brings out his most irritating quality, which is his inability to acknowledge any alternative points of view."
"I’m sure that in their youth they felt as passionate toward each other as Marcus and I do. (Did? What tense are we in?)"
"It’s said that there are eight million stories in the naked city. Well, it’s not true. By my count, there are exactly nine."
"All actions have numerous motivating factors, any single explanation for my misdeed would be an overgeneralization."
"The truth is, I’m not all that happy with who I’ve been these past few months, and I’m not quite sure where I went wrong, or whether there’s a resolution strict enough to fix me."
"There are hardly any real parts anymore, for shows with scripts."
"The only thing I’ve learned here is that you know less about me now than you ever did."
"This whole Mini Dub thing has really… freaked me out."
"You should be happy that you have parents who are not only still married, but still have a healthy and robust sex life."
"Your mother didn’t go to college, and she doesn’t understand what you’re taking on."
"She’s almost as moody as you were in high school."
"You get older, but you don’t ever feel grown up."
"I miss her. And yet I’m relieved that she doesn’t miss me."
"This, of course, caused some inconveniences. Well, one inconvenience, really. An inconvenience by the name of Sara."
"There’s a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you ..."
"I don’t know, but I don’t have to stay here."
"I WISH OUR LOVE WAS RIGHT. But it wasn’t. Our LOVE was all wrong."
"I can’t believe you listen to The Cure. Where’s your ankh?"
"I heard that he had all these pictures of you..."
"I was expecting Wallach, my residence hall, to be deserted."
"I walked in on my parents doing it doggy style."
"I’ve got lots of time, but no money for spending it."
"I just woke up from a classic anxiety dream."
"We should be able to act on that impulse with impunity."
"I’ll be in touch," I said noncommittally before hanging up.
"I’ve become the type of person who has sex with someone she’s only known for a week."
"Kieran’s annoyances are becoming, well, if not less annoying, then something else … Arousing?"
"I am such a pretentious, ambitionless ass," he said, dropping his head in shame.
"It’s my shop," she sniffed. "He gave it to me."
"We hardly know each other, and yet have made a big difference in each other’s lives."
"We take deep pride in our products and customer service at Wally D’s Sweet Treat Shoppe."
"Nothing lasts forever, so everything is a phase."
"The only way to truly appreciate something’s value is to distance yourself from it for a while."
"What is love but the most extreme and exquisite form of risk perception?"
"Nothing is permanent. Especially people. Strangers become friends. Friends become lovers. Lovers become strangers. Strangers become friends once more, and over and over."