
My Soul To Steal Quotes

My Soul To Steal by Rachel Vincent

My Soul To Steal Quotes
"Whoever said it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved was full of crap."
"I mean, it would feel good, but that would be bad."
"I still don’t have much appetite, but what I do eat is staying down now."
"I don’t think there are words for what we are, Nash."
"You may not like it or understand it, but that doesn't mean it's not true."
"I’m not making a play for your sympathy. I know I got myself into this."
"I just wish I could turn back the clock and undo everything that went wrong."
"Can we save the live demo for later, please? Bean sidhe in angst, here."
"It's cute, how he still thinks he loves you."
"You’re a fleeting fascination for him. The only female bean sidhe he’s ever met, other than his mom. Of course he’s going to be curious, but curiosity’s all it is. He’ll get over that, and he’ll get over you, and I’ll be there waiting."
"I don’t have to exercise to maintain perfection."
"I’m not into girls, Kaylee," she whispered, her breath warm on my cheek. "But if I were, I think you’d be my type."
"You can’t just walk around killing people every time your stomach growls!"
"She’s a predator, Kaylee. She can’t help that, and you can’t change it. She has to eat something."
"I’m starting to see why Nash wanted you. You got a backbone buried in there somewhere."
"I’m afraid of Nash when he’s like this. Afraid of what he’ll do or say."
"I don’t want her dead, I swear." Though I might not object to a light maiming…
"I can handle Sabine. I know her. You don’t know anything about Alec, except that he spent a quarter of a century working for a hellion."
"You don’t trust him." He crossed his arms over his chest, the line of his jaw tight.
"If you really cared about him, you’d be the one there with him at night, when he’s shaking from needing a hit. When he’s sick to his stomach, and sweating, and trying to look like he isn’t dying inside."
"I blinked, confused by what I’d almost seen."
"I won’t forget you, or a single moment we spent together."
"I’m telling the truth. Pissing you off is a bonus."
"I can’t decide whether you’re brave or stupid, Kaylee."
"But as long as I was playing cop, I might as well think like a cop."
"If you ever loved me, give me back what I gave so foolishly…."
"For once in my life, I let my heart lead the way."
"I know. She was all over you like a tick on blood."
"I bet the hellion never thought that particular skill could be used against him."
"It’s okay, Kaylee. This’ll keep us both safe."
"You think it’s okay for him to kiss her back just because she isn’t hideous?"
"I just need you to call Sophie and make sure she’s okay."
"I’m just trying to keep this from going bad, fast."
"You can’t get mad at me for telling the truth."
"Being dead doesn’t qualify you to play matchmaker."
"You cannot just go around feeding from people! You’ve turned this school into a war zone, and people are getting hurt."
"You were nothing but a fleeting curiosity, and he’s already started getting over you."
"Your life is definitely a priority, so you can stop worrying about that."
"I’m going to tell you everything. I promise."
"And that’s when I realized something warm and wet was soaking into the back of my shirt."
"The only way I know of for a sleeping person to function like he’s awake is if he’s possessed."
"People are drawn to the sweet little bean sidhe, to bathe in her bright innocence."