
Shadows Quotes

Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick

Shadows Quotes
"This can’t be happening; it’s not happening."
"No. Something shifted in a deep crevice of her brain."
"In the life she’d had before Rule, Lena often thought of blowing Crusher Karl’s head off."
"When they hauled her to her feet, she couldn’t believe she was still alive."
"Three women and two men, all well along in years, struggled up from the snow."
"Chris knew something was up when the entire Council trooped in."
"No matter how bad you think things are now, they can always get worse." - Sharon
"We’re what’s left, and you will show the proper respect, or so help me God, I will carve you into kibbles and feed you to the Chuckies a piece at a time." - Finn
"You think you have this all figured out? You guys are crazy." - Chris
"Don’t be stupid. I tried to save that boy." - Weller
"If you’re smart, you’ll just be thankful they gave you a pass and shut the hell up." - Sharon
"Her knee complained a little as she clambered to her feet, and she played up the limp. The knee really did hurt."
"What she didn’t and wouldn’t know for another five minutes, was that Sharon and Ruby were dead."
"But Jess wasn’t in the picture. Instead, Yeager stood with a plump, small woman, with hair done in a platinum sweep, named Audrey."
"That was how she learned that, pre-Zap, Spider’s name had been Claire Krueger."
"For the first time, she wondered if maybe the two scars were parts of the same story."
"The next thing she knew, someone was shaking her, hard."
"The next thing he knew, he was falling and falling and he would never stop."
"Lena, it’s not like someone dissed her in the cafeteria. I decided it was fine for Harlan to die."
"He’d watched the same thing happen on Crusher Karl’s farm."
"I don’t know enough to understand what that means."
"We should stay," Lena said. "You said yourself, the prints are old."
"This might just have been this kid’s private stash. The others would’ve come out already, right? With no fresh tracks, that means there’s been nobody else in at least two days."
"Even if we make it to the woods, sun’s gonna go before we can make camp."
"The Changed was young, no more than thirteen, and looked healthy—well, aside from being dead."
"I’m not wild about either choice," Nathan said.
"Give me a second." The kid chose Lena. He could have taken Nathan or me. He could have left us alone. But he had to get at her—and he risked his life to do it.
"I vote we stay. Nathan, there’s a corner room on the second floor just above us, with windows east and north, and another on a diagonal south and west. We’ll have a good shot at seeing anything coming."
"Run, Tom, run, pull me up, pull me up, run, run, run."
"Don’t give up, Alex, don’t you dare give up! I’m here, Alex, I’m right here!"
"No matter how much she turned it over in her head, she just couldn’t decide."
"Her heart stuttered and then banged to life."
"Fight, Alex, fight; say my name again, say my name again, don’t leave me here, I’ll never get out."
"They couldn’t touch, but he had reached her, whether he knew it or not—because hope was enough."